Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Abu Bakrah

NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
Abu BakrahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Bakrah:
Father of Bakrah
أبو بكرة
There is one companion named Abu Bakrah:
Abu Bakrah al-Thaqafi أبو بكرة الثقفي

Comments: 5

  1. On 10/09/2018 - 05:03

    Who was Abu Bakrah?

  2. On 14/08/2021 - 16:28

    Bakrah means winch
    So the meaning in hindi is charkhi wale

  3. On 14/08/2021 - 16:33

    After rasoolallah saw conquer makka, rasoolallah saw went to taa`if and announced that whosoever comes to me will be free
    After hearing this Abu bakrah( his real name was Nufay bin Masruh) came down from the fort of taa`if with the help of a winch
    So he was called Abu Bakrah (meaning Charkhi wale)

  4. On 25/02/2025 - 00:34

    Abu bakrah conditions

  5. On 25/02/2025 - 00:34

    Abu bakrah’s age

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