Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Abu Hudhaifah
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Abu Hudhaifah also spelled as: Abu Huzaifa | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Hudhaifah: Father of Hudhaifah | أبو حذيفة | There are 2 companions named Abu Hudhaifah: Abu Hudhaifah bin Utbah bin Rabee`ah bin Abd Shams أبو حذيفة بن عتبة بن ربيعة بن عبد شمس Abu Hudhaifah al-Thaqafi أبو حذيفة الثقفي |
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What is the meaning of hufhaifah
Abu huzaifa
Abu hudhayfah