Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Ahnaf

NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
Meaning(s) of Ahnaf:
Clubfooted, most upright, well-guided.
The ancient meaning of this name is "clubfooted". However, the name can also be used as a superlative or comparative adjective based on the word haneef, which means "monotheist", "true in faith", "upright and well-guided", thus the meaning would be "more upright", "better guided", "most upright".
There is one companion named Ahnaf:
al-Ahnaf bin Qais الاحنف بن قيس

Comments: 15

  1. On 22/07/2016 - 09:20

    Tell me detail in urdu

  2. On 20/06/2017 - 18:25

    absyar al-ahnaf

  3. On 29/11/2017 - 07:20

    Tell me details in Urdu

  4. On 25/03/2018 - 13:30

    Best no this name

  5. On 26/03/2018 - 19:42

    Can we this name as mohammed Ahnaf

  6. On 25/07/2018 - 16:42

    abdullah anaf name raksaktekya

  7. On 15/01/2019 - 02:34

    Can we name Ayra Ahnaf?

  8. On 22/01/2019 - 10:32

    Can we name MD. Ahnaf Arabi sayhum ?

  9. On 30/12/2019 - 22:55

    Tell me detail in urdu Ahnaf

  10. On 12/04/2020 - 15:09

    tell me in urdu Ahead

  11. On 11/05/2020 - 13:52

    Tell me details in tamil

  12. On 01/06/2020 - 18:14

    Tell me details in Hindi

  13. On 23/06/2020 - 15:09


  14. On 18/11/2020 - 16:36

    Can we Name Ahnaf Shadid ?

  15. On 11/01/2025 - 19:08

    Tell me detail in urdu ahnaf

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