Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Awsajah

NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
also spelled as: Awsaja
Meaning(s) of Awsajah:
A plant belonging to the Lycium barbarum species (known as Chinese wolfberry, Tibetain goji and other names)
A type of silver ore
There is one companion named Awsajah:
Awsajah bin Harmalah bin Judhaimah عوسجة بن حرملة بن جذيمة

Comments: 5

  1. On 29/10/2018 - 01:54

    Awsajah meaning in urdu

  2. On 13/10/2020 - 13:38


  3. On 19/11/2020 - 14:59

    what is the meaning of Awsajah in urdu

  4. On 08/09/2021 - 15:09

    what is the meaning of Awsajah in urdu

  5. On 19/10/2023 - 07:21


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