Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Habis

NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
also spelled as: Haabis
Meaning(s) of Habis:
Literally means "imprisoner", thus meaning "a strong warrior who defeats his enemies and imprisons them"
There are 5 companions named Habis:
Habis bin Daghnah al-Kalbi حابس بن دغنة الكلبي
Habis bin Rabee`ah al-Tamimi حابس بن ربيعة التميمي
Habis bin Rabee`ah al-Yamani حابس بن ربيعة اليماني
Habis bin Sa`d bin al-Mundhir bin Rabee`ah حابس بن سعد بن المنذر بن ربيعة
Habis bin Sa`d al-Yamani حابس بن سعد اليماني

Comments: 1

  1. On 22/05/2017 - 17:45

    Sehabia names

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