Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Humaid

NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
also spelled as: Homaid
Meaning(s) of Humaid:
There are 13 companions named Humaid:
Humaid bin al-A`war حميد بن الأعور
Humaid al-Ansari حميد الأنصاري
Humaid bin Thawr bin Hazn حميد بن ثور بن حزن
Humaid bin Humail حميد بن حميل
Humaid bin Hawraa' al-Zubaidi حميل بن حوراء الزبيدي
Humaid bin Khalid حميد بن خالد
Humaid bin Zuhair bin al-Harith حميد بن زهير بن الحارث
Humaid bin Abdul Rahman حميد بن عبد الرحمن
Humaid bin Abd Yaghooth al-Bakri حميد بن عبد يغوث البكري
Humaid bin Amr bin Musahiq حميد بن عمرو بن مساحق
Humaid bin Qais حميد بن قيس
Humaid bin Munhib bin Harithah al-Ta'i حميد بن منهب بن حارثة الطائي
Humaid (last name unknown) حميد غير منسوب

Comments: 18

  1. On 19/10/2016 - 18:40

    Did humaid names recognize anger

  2. On 16/09/2018 - 15:52


  3. On 14/05/2019 - 06:10

    humaid name is sahaba name

  4. On 25/11/2019 - 16:08

    Who is this Humaid during the life time of prophet Muhammad

  5. On 08/01/2021 - 14:57

    conplete introduction

  6. On 16/01/2021 - 22:28

    contribution of sahab humaid

  7. On 20/02/2021 - 10:06

    Who is this Humaid during the the time of prophet muhammad

  8. On 01/03/2021 - 10:22

    Contribution of humaid

  9. On 21/07/2021 - 19:25

    Who is humaid

  10. On 14/09/2021 - 12:02

    Who is the companion Humaid and what is his contribution in Islam?

  11. On 05/05/2022 - 15:27

    Life history of Humaid sahabi

  12. On 05/11/2022 - 06:37

    who is this humaid during the time of prophet PBUH

  13. On 06/11/2022 - 08:58

    ur mom

  14. On 12/01/2023 - 07:10

    is humaid a Sahabis Name

  15. On 12/01/2023 - 07:14

    is humaid a Sahabas Name

  16. On 02/05/2023 - 17:16

    I’m humaid

  17. On 30/05/2023 - 09:46

    When starting to pronounce the name, Humeid, would it be in order to
    pronounce the H as a G?

  18. On 04/10/2024 - 14:21

    Who is this humaid during the time of prophet Muhammad

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