Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Maisarah
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Maisarah | Male | Meaning(s) of Maisarah: Ease Affluence | ميسرة | There are 4 companions named Maisarah: Maisarah bin Masrooq al-Absi ميسرة بن مسروق العبسي Maisarah (Abi Taibah) ميسرة اسم أبي طيبة Maisarah al-Uqaili ميسرة العقيلي Maisarah (slave of Khadeejah) ميسرة غلام خديجة |
Comments: 7
girls name ?
How about this name for girls?
Who is maisara
my name is maisarah i am a girl
maisara slave of kadijah
which ‘Ata bin Maisarah stated:
“If you do not meet for three days, check on your
brethren: visit them if they are ill, help them if they
are busy (i.e., help them conduct their life affairs, if
you are able to do so) and remind them (of Allâh,
their religious duties, performing acts of worship,
and so forth) if they forget.