- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Abu Uqail | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Uqail: Father of Uqail | أبو عقيل | There are 2 companions named Abu Uqail: Abu Uqail al-Balawi أبو عقيل البلوي Abu Uqail al-Araashi أبو عقيل الأراشي |
Abu Uqbah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Uqbah: Father of Uqbah | أبو عقبة | There is one companion named Abu Uqbah: Abu Uqbah slave of al-Ansaar أبو عقبة مولى الأنصار |
Abu Uraidh | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Uraidh: Father of Uraidh | أبو عريض | There is one companion named Abu Uraidh: Abu Uraidh (last name unknown) أبو عريض غير منسوب |
Abu Utaiq | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Utaiq: Father of Utaiq | أبو عتيق | There is one companion named Abu Utaiq: Abu Utaiq Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman أبو عتيق محمد بن عبد الرحمن |
Abu Uthman | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Uthman: Father of Uthman | أبو عثمان | There are 4 companions named Abu Uthman: Abu Uthman al-Asbahi أبو عثمان الأصبحي Abu Uthman al-Ansari أبو عثمان الأنصاري Abu Uthman bin Sannah al-Khuza`i أبو عثمان بن سنة الخزاعي Abu Uthman al-Nahdi أبو عثمان النهدي |
Abu Waa’ilah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Waa’ilah: Father of Waa'ilah | أبو وائلة | There is one companion named Abu Waa’ilah: Abu Waa'ilah al-Hudhali أبو وائلة الهذلي |
Abu Waaqid | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Waaqid: Father of Waaqid | أبو واقد | There are 3 companions named Abu Waaqid: Abu Waaqid al-Laithi أبو واقد الليثي Abu Waaqid (slave of the Prophet SAW) أبو واقد مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم Abu Waaqid al-Numairi أبو واقد النميري |
Abu Wadaa`ah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Wadaa`ah: Father of Wadaa`ah | أبو وداعة | There is one companion named Abu Wadaa`ah: Abu Wadaa`ah al-Qarashi أبو وداعة القرشي |
Abu Wadee`ah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Wadee`ah: Father of Wadee`ah | أبو وديعة | There is one companion named Abu Wadee`ah: Abu Wadee`ah (last name unknown) أبو وديعة غير منسوب |
Abu Wahb | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Wahb: Father of Wahb | أبو وهب | There are 2 companions named Abu Wahb: Abu Wahb al-Jushami أبو وهب الجشمي Abu Wahb al-Jaishani أبو وهب الجيشاني |
Abu Wahwah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Wahwah: Father of Wahwah | أبو وحوح | There is one companion named Abu Wahwah: Abu Wahwah al-Ansari أبو وحوح الأنصاري |
Abu Yahya | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Yahya: Father of Yahya | أبو يحيى | There are 2 companions named Abu Yahya: Abu Yahya al-A`raj al-Mu`arqib أبو يحيى الأعرج المعرقب Abu Yahya Shaiban grandfather of Abi Hubairah أبو يحيى شيبان جد أبي هبيرة |
Abu Yazeed | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Yazeed: Father of Yazeed | أبو يزيد | There is one companion named Abu Yazeed: Abu Yazeed al-Makki أبو يزيد المكي |
Abu Za`nah also spelled as: Abu Zaanah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Za`nah: Father of Za`nah | أبو زعنة | There is one companion named Abu Za`nah: Abu Za`nah the Poet أبو زعنة الشاعر |
Abu Zam`ah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Zam`ah: Father of Zam`ah | أبو زمعة | There is one companion named Abu Zam`ah: Abu Zam`ah al-Balawi أبو زمعة البلوي |
Abu Zayd | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Zayd: Father of Zayd | أبو زيد | There are 5 companions named Abu Zayd: Abu Zayd bin al-Salt أبو زيد بن الصلت Abu Zayd Amr bin Akhtab أبو زيد عمرو بن أخطب Abu Zayd al-Ghafiqi أبو زيد الغافقي Abu Zayd Qais bin al-Sakan أبو زيد قيس بن السكن Abu Zayd Qais bin Amr al-Hamdani أبو زيد قيس بن عمرو الهمداني |
Abu Zaynab | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Zaynab: Father of Zaynab | أبو زينب | There is one companion named Abu Zaynab: Abu Zaynab bin Awf al-Ansari أبو زينب بن عوف الأنصاري |
Abu Zuhair | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Zuhair: Father of Zuhair | أبو زهير | There are 3 companions named Abu Zuhair: Abu Zuhair bin Asyad أبو زهير بن أسيد Abu Zuhair al-Anmari أبو زهير الأنماري Abu Zuhair bin Mu`adh al-Thaqafi أبو زهير بن معاذ الثقفي |
Abu al-Aryaan | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu al-Aryaan: Father of al-Aryaan | أبو العريان | There is one companion named Abu al-Aryaan: Abu al-Aryaan al-Muharibi أبو العريان المحاربي |
Abu al-Rawaa | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu al-Rawaa: Father of al-Rawaa | أبو الرَّوى | There is one companion named Abu al-Rawaa: Abu al-Rawaa al-Dawsi أبو الروى الدوسي |