NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
Abul A`war
also spelled as: Abu al-Aawar
Meaning(s) of Abul A`war:
Father of al-A`war
أبو الأعور
There are 3 companions named Abul A`war:
Abul A`war Ka`b bin al-Harith أبو الأعور كعب بن الحارث
Abul A`war al-Jurami أبو الأعور الجرمي
Abul A`war al-Sulami أبو الأعور السلمي
Abul AasMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Aas:
Father of al-Aas
أبو العاص
There is one companion named Abul Aas:
Abul Aas bin al-Rabee` أبو العاص بن الربيع
Abul AbbasMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Abbas:
Father of al-Abbas
أبو العباس
There is one companion named Abul Abbas:
Abul Abbas al-Shaa`ir أبو العباس الشاعر
Abul Akhnas
also spelled as: Abu al-Akhnas
Meaning(s) of Abul Akhnas:
Father of al-Akhnas
أبو الأخنس
There is one companion named Abul Akhnas:
Abul Akhnas bin Hudhafah bin Qais أبو الأخنس بن حذافة بن قيس
Abul Ash`ath
also spelled as: Abu al-Ash`ath
Meaning(s) of Abul Ash`ath:
Father of al-Ash`ath
أبو الأشعث
There is one companion named Abul Ash`ath:
Abul Ash`ath al-San`ani أبو الأشعث الصنعاني
Abul Aswad
also spelled as: Abu al-Aswad
Meaning(s) of Abul Aswad:
Father of al-Aswad
أبو الأسود
There are 4 companions named Abul Aswad:
Abul Aswad al-Tamimi أبو الأسود التميمي
Abul Aswad al-Du'ali أبو الأسود الدؤلي
Abul Aswad bin Sandar أبو الأسود بن سندر
Abul Aswad bin Yazeed al-Kindi أبو الأسود بن يزيد الكندي
Abul Azhar
also spelled as: Abu al-Azhar
Meaning(s) of Abul Azhar:
Father of al-Azhar
أبو الأزهر
There is one companion named Abul Azhar:
Abu al-Azhar al-Anmari أبو الأزهر الأنماري
Abul Azwar
also spelled as: Abu al-Azwar
Meaning(s) of Abul Azwar:
Father of al-Azwar
أبو الأزور
There are 2 companions named Abul Azwar:
Abul Azwar al-Ahmari أبو الأزور الأحمري
Abul Azwar Dharar bin al-Khattab أبو الأزور ضرار بن الخطاب
Abul BaraadMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Baraad:
Father of al-Baraad
أبو البراد
There is one companion named Abul Baraad:
Abul Baraad servant of Tameem al-Dari أبو البراد غلام تميم الداري
Abul BasharMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Bashar:
Father of al-Bashar
أبو البشر
There is one companion named Abul Bashar:
Abul Bashar bin al-Harith أبو البشر بن الحارث
Abul BasheerMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Basheer:
Father of al-Basheer
أبو البشير
There is one companion named Abul Basheer:
Abul Basheer (last name unknown) أبو البشير غير منسوب
Abul BujairMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Bujair:
Father of al-Bujair
أبو البجير
There is one companion named Abul Bujair:
Abul Bujair (last name unknown) أبو البجير غير منسوب
Abul Dahdaah
also spelled as: Abu al-Dahdaah
Meaning(s) of Abul Dahdaah:
Father of al-Dahdaah
أبو الدحداح
There is one companion named Abul Dahdaah:
Abul Dahdaah al-Ansari أبو الدحداح الأنصاري
Abul Dardaa’
also spelled as: Abu al-Dardaa'
Meaning(s) of Abul Dardaa’:
Father of al-Dardaa'
أبو الدرداء
There is one companion named Abul Dardaa’:
Abul Dardaa' Uwaimir bin Zayd أبو الدرداء عويمر بن زيد
Abul Dhahhak
also spelled as: Abu al-Dhahhak, Abul Zahhak
Meaning(s) of Abul Dhahhak:
Father of al-Dhahhak
أبو الضحاك
There is one companion named Abul Dhahhak:
Abul Dhahhak (last name unknown) أبو الضحاك غير منسوب
Abul Dunya
also spelled as: Abu al-Dunya
Meaning(s) of Abul Dunya:
Father of al-Dunya
أبو الدنيا
There is one companion named Abul Dunya:
Abul Dunya (last name unknown) أبو الدنيا غير منسوب
Abul FeelMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Feel:
Father of al-Feel
أبو الفيل
There is one companion named Abul Feel:
Abul Feel al-Khuza`i أبو الفيل الخزاعي
Abul GhadiyahMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Ghadiyah:
Father of al-Ghadiyah
أبو الغادية
There is one companion named Abul Ghadiyah:
Abul Ghadiyah al-Juhani أبو الغادية الجهني
Abul HaithamMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Haitham:
Father of al-Haitham
أبو الهيثم
There is one companion named Abul Haitham:
Abul Haitham bin al-Taihan أبو الهيثم بن التيهان
Abul Hajjaj
also spelled as: Abu al-Hajjaj
Meaning(s) of Abul Hajjaj:
Father of al-Hajjaj
أبو الحجاج
There is one companion named Abul Hajjaj:
Abu al-Hajjaj al-Thumali أبو الحجاج الثمالي
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