NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
Abul Hakam
also spelled as: Abu al-Hakam
Meaning(s) of Abul Hakam:
Father of al-Hakam
أبو الحكم
There is one companion named Abul Hakam:
Abul Hakam bin Habeeb أبو الحكم بن حبيب
Abul Hamraa’
also spelled as: Abu al-Hamraa
Meaning(s) of Abul Hamraa’:
Father of al-Hamraa'
أبو الحمراء
There are 2 companions named Abul Hamraa’:
Abul Hamraa' slave of al-Harith bin Rifaa`ah أبو الحمراء مولى الحارث بن رفاعة
Abul Hamraa' Hilal bin al-Harith أبو الحمراء هلال بن الحارث
Abul Harith
also spelled as: Abu al-Harith
Meaning(s) of Abul Harith:
Father of al-Harith
أبو الحارث
There are 2 companions named Abul Harith:
Abul Harith al-Azdi أبو الحارث الأزدي
Abul Harith al-Ansari أبو الحارث الأنصاري
Abul HusainMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Husain:
Father of al-Husain
أبو الحُصَين
There is one companion named Abul Husain:
Abul Husain al-Ansari أبو الحصين الأنصاري
Abul Ja`d
also spelled as: Abu al-Jaad
Meaning(s) of Abul Ja`d:
Father of al-Ja`d
أبو الجعد
There are 3 companions named Abul Ja`d:
Abul Ja`d Aflah أبو الجعد أفلح
Abul Ja`d bin Junadah أبو الجعد بن جنادة
Abul Ja`d al-Ghatfani أبو الجعد الغطفاني
Abul Jad`aa’Male
Meaning(s) of Abul Jad`aa’:
Father of Jad`aa'
أبو الجدعاء
There is one companion named Abul Jad`aa’:
Abul Jad`aa' أبو الجدعاء
Abul Jamal
also spelled as: Abu al-Jamal
Meaning(s) of Abul Jamal:
Father of al-Jamal
أبو الجمل
There is one companion named Abul Jamal:
Abul Jamal Hilal bin al-Harith أبو الجمل هلال بن الحارث
Abul Jarrah
also spelled as: Abu al-Jarrah
Meaning(s) of Abul Jarrah:
Father of al-Jarrah
أبو الجراح
There is one companion named Abul Jarrah:
Abul Jarrah al-Ashja`i أبو الجراح الأشجعي
Abul MinhalMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Minhal:
Father of al-Minhal
أبو المنهال
There is one companion named Abul Minhal:
Abul Minhal Abdul Rahman أبو المنهال عبد الرحمن
Abul Mu`allaaMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Mu`allaa:
Father of al-Mu`allaa
أبو المعلى
There are 2 companions named Abul Mu`allaa:
Abul -Mu`allaa bin Lawdhan al-Ansari أبو المعلى بن لوذان الأنصاري
Abul Mu`allaa grandfather of Abil Asad أبو المعلى جد أبي الأسد
Abul MubtadhilMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Mubtadhil:
Father of al-Mubtadhil
أبو المبتذل
There is one companion named Abul Mubtadhil:
Abul Mubtadhil (last name unknown) أبو المبتذل غير منسوب
Abul MuhallabMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Muhallab:
Father of al-Muhallab
أبو المهلب
There is one companion named Abul Muhallab:
Abul Muhallab (last name unknown) أبو المهلب غير منسوب
Abul MujbirMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Mujbir:
Father of al-Mujbir
أبو المجبر
There is one companion named Abul Mujbir:
Abul Mujbir (last name unknown) أبو المجبر غير منسوب
Abul MukhariqMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Mukhariq:
Father of al-Mukhariq
أبو المخارق
There is one companion named Abul Mukhariq:
Abul Mukhariq father of Qaboos أبو المخارق والد قابوس
Abul Mundhir
also spelled as: Abul Munzir
Meaning(s) of Abul Mundhir:
Father of al-Mundhir
أبو المنذر
There are 3 companions named Abul Mundhir:
Abul Mundhir al-Juhani أبو المنذر الجهني
Abul Mundhir Yazeed bin Aamir أبو المنذر يزيد بن عامر
Abul Mundhir (last name unknown) أبو المنذر غير منسوب
Abul MuntafiqMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Muntafiq:
Father of al-Muntafiq
أبو المنتفق
There is one companion named Abul Muntafiq:
Abul Muntafiq (last name unknown) أبو المنتفق غير منسوب
Abul Nu`manMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Nu`man:
Father of al-Nu`man
أبو النعمان
There are 2 companions named Abul Nu`man:
Abul Nu`man al-Azdi أبو النعمان الأزدي
Abul Nu`man (last name unknown) أبو النعمان غير منسوب
Abul Qamraa’Male
Meaning(s) of Abul Qamraa’:
Father of al-Qamraa'
أبو القمراء
There is one companion named Abul Qamraa’:
Abul Qamraa' (last name unknown) أبو القمراء غير منسوب
Abul QasimMale
Meaning(s) of Abul Qasim:
Father of al-Qasim
أبو القاسم
There are 3 companions named Abul Qasim:
Abul Qasim al-Ansari أبو القاسم الأنصاري
Abul Qasim (slave of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq) أبو القاسم مولى أبو بكر
Abul Qasim (last name unknown) أبو القاسم غير منسوب
Abul Radaad
also spelled as: Abu al-Radaad
Meaning(s) of Abul Radaad:
Father of al-Radaad
أبو الرداد
There is one companion named Abul Radaad:
Abul Radaad al-Laithi أبو الرداد الليثي
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