- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Abul Room also spelled as: Abu al-Room | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Room: Father of al-Room | أبو الروم | There is one companion named Abul Room: Abul Room bin Umair bin Hisham أبو الروم بن عمير بن هاشم |
Abul Sanabil also spelled as: Abussanabil, Abu al-Sanabil | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Sanabil: Father of al-Sanabil | أبو السنابل | There is one companion named Abul Sanabil: Abul Sanabil bin Ba`kak أبو السنابل بن بعكك |
Abul Shamoos | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Shamoos: Father of al-Shamoos | أبو الشموس | There is one companion named Abul Shamoos: Abul Shamoos al-Balawi أبو الشموس البلوي |
Abul Tufail also spelled as: Abu al-Tufail | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Tufail: Father of al-Tufail | أبو الطفيل | There is one companion named Abul Tufail: Abul Tufail Aamir bin Wathilah أبو الطفيل عامر بن واثلة |
Abul Waqqas | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Waqqas: Father of al-Waqqas | أبو الوقاص | There is one companion named Abul Waqqas: Abul Waqqas (last name unknown) أبو الوقاص غير منسوب |
Abul Ward | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Ward: Father of al-Ward | أبو الورد | There is one companion named Abul Ward: Abul Ward al-Mazini أبو الورد المازني |
Abul Wasl | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Wasl: Father of al-Wasl | أبو الوصل | There is one companion named Abul Wasl: Abul Wasl (last name unknown) أبو الوصل غير منسوب |
Abul Yaqdhan | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Yaqdhan: Father of al-Yaqdhan | أبو اليقظان | There is one companion named Abul Yaqdhan: Abul Yaqdhan (last name unknown) أبو اليقظان |
Abul Yusr | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Yusr: Father of al-Yusr | أبو اليسر | There is one companion named Abul Yusr: Abul Yusr Ka`b bin Amr al-Ansari أبو اليسر كعب بن عمرو الأنصاري |
Abul Zubair also spelled as: Abu al-Zubair | Male | Meaning(s) of Abul Zubair: Father of Zubair | أبو الزبير | There is one companion named Abul Zubair: Abul Zubair Muhammad bin Muslim أبو الزبير محمد بن مسلم |
Adam also spelled as: Aadam | Male | Meaning(s) of Adam: Human Notes: Adam is the name of the first human, who is considered a prophet in Islam. The meaning of the word is uncertain, but it is generally considered to mean "human". | آدم | There is one companion named Adam: Adam bin Rabee'ah bin al-Harith آدم بن ربيعة بن الحارث |
Addas also spelled as: Adaas | Male | Meaning(s) of Addas: One who walks briskly | عدّاس | There is one companion named Addas: Addas (slave of Shaibah bin Rabee`ah) عداس مولى شيبة بن ربيعة |
Adham | Male | Meaning(s) of Adham: Black, dark | أدهم | There are 2 companions named Adham: Adham bin Hazrah al-Lakhmi al-Rashidi أدهم بن حَظْرَة اللخمي الراشدي Adham bin Muhriz al-Bahili abu Malik أدهم بن مُحرز الباهليّ أبو مالك |
Adi also spelled as: Adee | Male | Meaning(s) of Adi: A group of warriors | عَديّ | There are 38 companions named Adi: Adi bin Umayyah bin al-Dhubaib al-Judhami عدي بن أمية بن الضبيب الجذامي Adi bin Badaa' عدي بن بداء Adi bin Tameem عدي بن تميم Adi al-Taimi عدي التيمي Adi al-Judhami عدي الجذامي Adi bin Jaws bin Sa`d bin Nasr al-Judhami عدي بن جوس بن سعد بن نصر الجذامي Adi bin Hatim عدي بن حاتم Adi bin Haram bin al-Haitham عدي بن حرام بن الهيثم Adi bin al-Himyar bin Adi عدي بن الحمير بن عدي Adi bin Khalid al-Juhani عدي بن خالد الجهني Adi bin Humrus عدي بن حمرس Adi bin Khaleefah al-Bayadhi عدي بن خليفة البياضي Adi bin al-Khiyar bin Adi عدي بن الخيار بن عدي Adi bin al-Rabee` bin Abd al-Uzzaa عدي بن الربيع بن عبد العزّى Adi bin Rabee`ah bin Abd al-Uzzaa عدي بن ربيعة بن عبد العزى Adi bin Rabee`ah bin Sawaa'ah bin Jashm عدي بن ربيعة بن سواءة بن جشم Adi bin Rabee`ah al-Tameemi عدي بن ربيعة التميمي Adi bin Abi al-Zaghbaa' عدي بن أبي الزّغباء Adi bin Zayd al-Judhami عدي بن زيد الجذامي Adi bin Sharaheel عدي بن شراحيل Adi bin Abd bin Sawaa'ah عدي بن عبد بن سواءة Adi bin Adi bin Haatim al-Taa'i عدي بن عدي بن حاتم الطائي Adi bin Adi bin Umairah bin Urwah al-Kindi عدي بن عدي بن عميرة بن عروة الكندي Adi bin Amr bin Suwaid عدي بن عمرو بن سويد Adi bin Umairah al-Kindi عدي بن عميرة الكندي Adi bin Umairah عدي بن عميرة Adi bin Umairah al-Hadhrami عدي بن عميرة الحضرمي Adi bin Umairah bin Farwah عدي بن عميرة بن فروة Adi bin Farwah عدي بن فروة Adi bin Qais bin Hudhafah al-Sahmi عدي بن قيس بن حذافة السهمي Adi bin Ka`b عدي بن كعب Adi bin Marrah bin Suraqah عدي بن مرة بن سراقة Adi bin Nadhlah عدي بن نضلة Adi bin Nawfal bin Asad عدي بن نوفل بن أسد Adi al-Ansari father of Abi al-Badaah عدي الأنصاري والد أبي البداح Adi bin Haani' bin Hajar عدي بن هانئ بن حجر Adi bin Humam bin Marrah عدي بن همام بن مرة Adi bin Wadaa` bin al-Aq عدي بن وداع بن العق |
Adra` also spelled as: Adra | Male | Meaning(s) of Adra`: A horse whose head is black and its body white. | أدرع | There are 2 companions named Adra`: al-Adra` al-Sulami الأدرع السلمي al-Adra` Abu Ja`d al-Zimri الأدرع أبو جعد الضمري |
Afeef also spelled as: Afif | Male | Meaning(s) of Afeef: Virtuous Chaste Modest | عفيف | There are 7 companions named Afeef: Afeef bin al-Harith al-Yamani عفيف بن الحارث اليماني Afeef bin Sa`d bin Dhi Yazn al-Humairi عفيف بن سعد بن ذي يزن الحميري Afeef bin Abdullah bin Ka`b عفيف بن عبد الله بن كعب Afeef al-Kindi عفيف الكندي Afeef bin Ma`di al-Kindi عفيف بن معدي الكندي Afeef bin al-Mundhir al-Tameemi عفيف بن المنذر التميمي Afeef father of Ghutaif عفيف والد غطيف |
Affan also spelled as: Afaan | Male | Meaning(s) of Affan: Virtuous Chaste Modest | عفّان | There are 5 companions named Affan: Affan bin al-Hujair al-Sulami عفان بن الهجير السلمي Affan bi Bujair عفان بن بجير Affan bin Habeeb عفان بن حبيب Affan bin Abi Ufair al-Ansari عفان بن أبي عفير الأنصاري Affan bin Nabeeh bin al-Hajjaj عفان بن نبيه بن الحجاج |
Aflah | Male | Meaning(s) of Aflah: One whose lower lip has a crack or separation. | أفلح | There are 4 companions named Aflah: Aflah brother of Abi al-Qa`ees أفلح أخو أبي القعيس Aflah (freed slave of the Prophet SAW) أفلح مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم Aflah (freed slave of Um Salamah) أفلح مولى أم سلمة Aflah (freed slave of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari) أفلح مولى أبي أيوب الأنصاري |
Afraa | Female | Meaning(s) of Afraa: Blonde Fair-skinned | عفراء | There are 2 companions named Afraa: Afraa' bint al-Sakan عفراء بنت السكن Afraa' bint Ubaid عفراء بنت عبيد |
Aftas | Male | Meaning(s) of Aftas: One who has a wide nose that does not stick out far from his face | أفطس | There is one companion named Aftas: al-Aftas (last name unknown) الأفطس (غير منسوب) |