- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Bilal also spelled as: Bilaal | Male | Meaning(s) of Bilal: Water Any cool and enjoyable drink | بِلال | There are 11 companions named Bilal: Bilal bin Uhaihah بلال بن أحيحة Bilal al-Ansari بلال الأنصاري Bilal bin Bulail bin Uhaihah بلال بن بليل بن أحيحة Bilal bin al-Harith بلال بن الحارث Bilal bin al-Harith bin Bujair بلال بن الحارث بن بجير Bilal bin Hamamah بلال بن حمامة Bilal bin Rabaah بِلال بن رباح Bilal bin Sa`d بلال بن سعد Bilal bin Malik al-Muzani بِلال بن مالك المزني Bilal al-Fazari بلال الفزاري Bilal bin Yahya بلال بن يحيى |
Birh also spelled as: Berh | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | بِرح | There is one companion named Birh: Birh bin Askar برح بن عسكر |
Bishr also spelled as: Beshr | Male | Meaning(s) of Bishr: Cheerfulness Joy | بِشر | There are 42 companions named Bishr: Bishr al-Asadi بِشر الأسدي Bishr bin al-Baraa' bin Ma`roor بشر بن البراء بن معرور Bishr al-Thaqafi بِشر الثقفي Bishr bin al-Harath بشر بن الحارث Bishr bin al-Harith bin Amr بشر بن الحارث بن عمر Bishr bin al-Harith bin Qais بِشر بن الحارث بن قيس Bishr bin Handhalah al-Ju`fi بِشر بن حنظلة الجعفي Bishr bin Rabee`ah bin Amr بشر بن ربيعة بن عمر Bishr bin Rabee`ah بشر بن ربيعة Bishr bin Rudaih بشر بن رديح Bishr bin Suhaim بشر بن سحيم Bishr bin Sufyan al-Ataki بشر بن سفيان العتكي Bishr al-Salmi بشر السلمي Bishr bin Shabr بشر بن شبر Bishr bin Sahar al-Abdi بِشر بن صحار العبدي Bishr bin Aasim بشر بن عاصم Bishr bin Aasim bin Sufyan al-Thaqafi بشر بن عاصم بن سفيان الثقفي Bishr bin Aamir bin Maalik al-Aamiri بشر بن عامر بن مالك العامري Bishr bin Aamir bin Maalik bin Ja`far بشر بن عامر بن مالك بن جعفر Bishr bin Abdullah al-Ansari al-Khazraji بشر بن عبد الله الأنصاري الخزرجي Bishr bin Abdullah بشر بن عبد الله Bishr bin Abd بشر بن عبد Bishr bin Urfutah bin al-Khashkhash al-Juhani بشر بن عرفطة بن الخشخاش الجهني Bishr bin Ismah al-Laithi بشر بن عصمة الليثي Bishr bin Ismah al-Muzani بشر بن عصمة المزني Bishr bin Atiyyah بشر بن عطية Bishr bin Aqrabah al-Juhani Abu Yamaan بشر بن عقربة الجهني أبو يمان Bishr al-Ghanawi father of Abdullah bin Bishr بشر الغنوي والد عبد الله بن بشر Bishr al-Ghanawi بشر الغنوي Bishr bin Quhaif بشر بن قحيف Bishr bin Qudamah al-Dhubabi بشر بن قدامة الضبابي Bishr bin Qutbah bin Sinan bin al-Haarith بشر بن قطبة بن سنان بن الحارث Bishr bin Qais بشر بن قيس Bishr bin Qais bin Kaladah al-Tamimi al-Anbari بشربن قيس بن كلدة التميمي العنبري Bishr bin al-Muhtafiz بشر بن المحتفز Bishr bin Mas`ud بشر بن مسعود Bishr bin Mu`adh al-Asadi بشر بن معاذ الأسدي Bishr bin Mu`awiyah bin Thawr بشر بن معاوية بن ثور Bishr bin al-Mu`alla بشر بن المعلى Bishr bin al-Hajanna` al-Bakka'i بشر بن الهجنع البكائي Bishr bin Hilal al-Abdi بشر بن هلال العبدي Bishr Abu Khalifah بشر أبو خليفة |
Bistam also spelled as: Bistaam | Male | Meaning(s) of Bistam: From the name of a member of the ancient Persian royal family, may mean "heroic", "extremely strong" | بِسطام | There is one companion named Bistam: Bistam al-Kufi بِسطام الكوفي |
Budail also spelled as: Bodayl | Male | Meaning(s) of Budail: Replacement Successor | بُديل | There are 7 companions named Budail: Budail bin Warqaa' bin Abd al-Uzzaa بُديل بن ورقاء بن عبد العزّى Budail ibn Abi Maryam بديل ابن ابي مريم Budail (last name unknown) بُديل غير منسوب Budail bin Salamah bin Umm Asram بديل بن سلمة بن أم أصرم Budail bin Amr al-Khatmi al-Ansari بديل بن عمرو الخطمي الأنصاري Budail bin Abd Manaf bin Salamah بديل بن عبد مناف بن سلمة Budail bin Kulthum bin Salim al-Khuza`i بديل بن كلثوم بن سالم الخزاعي |
Budailah | Female | Meaning(s) of Budailah: Substitute Recompense | بُديلة | There is one companion named Budailah: Budailah bint Muslim بديلة بنت مسلم |
Buhainah also spelled as: Buhaina | Male | Meaning(s) of Buhainah: Unclear, but may mean "horsewhip", "lash" | بحينة | There is one companion named Buhainah: Buhainah (last name unknown) بُحينة |
Buhainah | Female | Meaning(s) of Buhainah: A horsewhip | بحينة | There is one companion named Buhainah: Buhaina bint al-Harith بحينة بنت الحارث |
Buhais also spelled as: Buhays | Male | Meaning(s) of Buhais: Diminutive form of Bahs, meaning: Bravery Courage | بُهيس | There is one companion named Buhais: Buhais bin Salma al-Tamimi بُهيس بن سلمى التميمي |
Buhaisah | Female | Meaning(s) of Buhaisah: Boldness and bravery | بهيسة | There is one companion named Buhaisah: Buhaisah (last name unknown) بهيسة غير منسوب |
Buhayyah | Female | Meaning(s) of Buhayyah: Beautiful and radiant | بهية | There are 2 companions named Buhayyah: Buhayyah bint Abdullah al-Bakriyyah بهية بنت عبد الله البكرية Buhayyah bint Busr بهية بنت بسر |
Buhlool also spelled as: Buhlul, Bohlool | Male | Meaning(s) of Buhlool: A respected man who has many virtues | بُهلول | There is one companion named Buhlool: Buhlool bin Dhu'aib al-Nabbash بهلول بن ذؤيب النباش |
Bujaid also spelled as: Bojaid | Male | Meaning(s) of Bujaid: Diminutive form of Bajd, meaning: Group of people Group of horse riders over 100 in number | بُجَيد | There is one companion named Bujaid: Bujaid bin Imran al-Khuza`i بجيد بن عمران الخزاعي |
Bujair also spelled as: Bojair | Male | Meaning(s) of Bujair: Diminutive form of Abjar, meaning: One who has a prominent navel that sticks out a little | بُجير | There are 9 companions named Bujair: Bujair bin Aws al-Ta'i بُجير بن أوس الطائي Bujair bin Bajrah al-Ta'i بجير بن بجرة الطائي Bujair bin Abi Bujair al-Absi بجير بن أبي بجير العبسي Bujair bin al-Husain al-Tha`labi بجير بن الحصين الثعلبي Bujair bin Zuhair bin Abi Salmaa بُجير بن زهير بن أبي سلمى Bujair bin Abd bin al-Khadhrami بجير بن عبد بن الخضرمي Bujair bin Abdullah bin Marrah بجير بن عبد الله بن مرة Bujair bin al-Awaam bin Khuwailid بجير بن العوام بن خويليد Bujair al-Khuza`i بجير الخزاعي |
Bukair also spelled as: Bokair, Bukeir | Male | Meaning(s) of Bukair: Diminutive form of Bakr, meaning: A strong young man A young camel | بُكَيْر | There is one companion named Bukair: Bukair bin Ali bi Tameem بكير بن علي بن تميم |
Buqailah also spelled as: Buqaila | Male | Meaning(s) of Buqailah: Herb | بُقيلة | There is one companion named Buqailah: Buqailah al-Akbar al-Ashja`i بُقيلة الأكبر الأشجعي |
Buraid also spelled as: Boraid | Male | Meaning(s) of Buraid: Leopard Cold | بُرَيد | There is one companion named Buraid: Buraid al-Aslami بُريد الأسلمي |
Buraidah also spelled as: Buraida | Unisex | Meaning(s) of Buraidah: Garment | بُريدة | There are 3 companions named Buraidah: Buraidah bin al-Husaib al-Aslami بُريدة بن الحُصيب الأسلمي Buraidah bin Sufyan al-Aslami بُريدة بن سفيان الأسلمي Buraidah bint Bishr bin al-Harith بردة بنت بشر بن الحارث |
Burd also spelled as: Bord | Male | Meaning(s) of Burd: A luxurious and expensive type of garment used in Arabia A type of cloth from Yemen made of camel hair | بُرد | There is one companion named Burd: Burd bin Harithah al-Yashkari بُرد بن حارثة اليشكري |
Burdah also spelled as: Bordah, Burda | Male | Meaning(s) of Burdah: Garment A typo of kilim (decorated tapestry) worn by Arabs | بُردة | There is one companion named Burdah: Burdah al-Qat`i بُردة القطعي |