- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabi Names for Boys
1308 names - page 12
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Abu Ruwaihah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Ruwaihah: Father of Ruwaihah | أبو رويحة | There are 2 companions named Abu Ruwaihah: Abu Ruwaihah al-Khath`ami أبو رويحة الخثعمي Abu Ruwaihah al-Faz`i al-Khath`ami أبو رويحة الفزعي الخثعمي |
Abu Ruzain | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Ruzain: Father of Ruzain | أبو رزين | There are 2 companions named Abu Ruzain: Abu Ruzain al-Asadi أبو رزين الأسدي Abu Ruzain al-Uqaili أبو رزين العقيلي |
Abu Sa`d | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Sa`d: Father of Sa`d | أبو سعد | There is one companion named Abu Sa`d: Abu Sa`d al-Khair al-Anmari أبو سعد الخير الأنماري |
Abu Sa`eed | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Sa`eed: Father of Sa`eed | أبو سعيد | There are 5 companions named Abu Sa`eed: Abu Sa`eed al-Ansari أبو سعيد الأنصاري Abu Sa`eed bin Zayd أبو سعيد بن زيد Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri أبو سعيد الخدري Abu Sa`eed bin al-Mu`alaa أبو سعيد بن المعلى Abu Sa`eed al-Maqbari أبو سعيد المقبري |
Abu Saalih | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Saalih: Father of Saalih | أبو صالح | There is one companion named Abu Saalih: Abu Saalih slave of Umm Haani' أبو صالح مولى أم هانئ |
Abu Sabrah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Sabrah: Father of Sabrah | أبو سبرة | There are 3 companions named Abu Sabrah: Abu Sabrah al-Ja`fi أبو سبرة الجعفي Abu Sabrah al-Juhani أبو سبرة الجهني Abu Sabrah bin Abi Rahm أبو سبرة بن أبي رهم |
Abu Safiyyah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Safiyyah: Father of Safiyyah | أبو صفية | There is one companion named Abu Safiyyah: Abu Safiyyah slave of the Prophet SAW أبو صفية مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم |
Abu Safwan | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Safwan: Father of Safwan | أبو صفوان | There is one companion named Abu Safwan: Abu Safwan Malik bin Umairah أبو صفوان مالك بن عميرة |
Abu Salam | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Salam: Father of Salam | أبو سلام | There are 2 companions named Abu Salam: Abu Salam al-Hashimi أبو سلام الهاشمي Abu Salam Mamtoor أبو سلام ممطور |
Abu Salamah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Salamah: Father of Salamah | أبو سلمة | There are 3 companions named Abu Salamah: Abu Salamah Abdullah bin Abd al-Asad أبو سلمة عبد الله بن عبد الأسد Abu Salamah (last name unknown) أبو سلمة غير منسوب Abu Salamah bin Sufyan أبو سلمة بن سفيان |
Abu Salmaa | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Salmaa: Father of Salmaa | أبو سلمى | There is one companion named Abu Salmaa: Abu Salmaa (shepherd of the Prophet SAW) أبو سلمى راعي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم |
Abu Sandar | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Sandar: Father of Sandar | أبو سندر | There is one companion named Abu Sandar: Abu Sandar Habeeb bin Sandar أبو سندر حبيب بن سندر |
Abu Saroo`ah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Saroo`ah: Father of Saroo`ah | أبو سروعة | There is one companion named Abu Saroo`ah: Abu Saroo`ah (last name unknown) أبو سروعة غير منسوب |
Abu Sayyarah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Sayyarah: Father of Sayyarah | أبو سيارة | There is one companion named Abu Sayyarah: Abu Sayyarah al-Mat`i أبو سيارة المتعي |
Abu Shaddad | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Shaddad: Father of Shaddad | أبو شدّاد | There is one companion named Abu Shaddad: Abu Shaddad al-Dhamari أبو شداد الذماري |
Abu Shah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Shah: Father of Shah | أبو شاه | There is one companion named Abu Shah: Abu Shah (last name unknown) أبو شاه غير منسوب |
Abu Shahm | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Shahm: Father of Shahm | أبو شهم | There is one companion named Abu Shahm: Abu Shahm al-Taimi أبو الشهم التيمي |
Abu Shaibah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Shaibah: Father of Shaibah | أبو شيبة | There is one companion named Abu Shaibah: Abu Shaibah al-Khudri أبو شيبة الخدري |
Abu Shaikh | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Shaikh: Father of Shaikh | أبو شيخ | There is one companion named Abu Shaikh: Abu Shaikh Abeei bin Thabit أبو شيخ أبيّ بن ثابت |
Abu Shajarah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Shajarah: Father of Shajarah | أبو شجرة | There is one companion named Abu Shajarah: Abu Shajarah al-Kindi أبو شجرة الكندي |