- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabi Names for Boys
1308 names - page 38
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Jamd | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | جَمْد | There is one companion named Jamd: Jamd al-Kindi جمد الكندي |
Jamee` also spelled as: Jamei | Male | Meaning(s) of Jamee`: Whole Complete | جَميع | There is one companion named Jamee`: Jamee` bin Mas`ud جميع بن مسعود |
Jameel also spelled as: Jamil | Male | Meaning(s) of Jameel: Handsome Beautiful | جَميل | There are 5 companions named Jameel: Jameel bin Asyad al-Fihri جميل بن أسيد الفهري Jameel al-Bahrani جميل البحراني Jameel bin Basrah bin Abi Basrah جميل بن بصرة بن أبي بصرة Jameel bin Ridam al-Udhri جميل بن ردام العذري Jameel bin Ma`mar جميل بن معمر |
Jamooh also spelled as: Jamuh | Male | Meaning(s) of Jamooh: Untame Obstinate | جَموح | There are 2 companions named Jamooh: al-Jamooh al-Ansari الجموح الأنصاري al-Jamooh bin Uthman الجموح بن عثمان |
Jamrah also spelled as: Jamra | Unisex | Meaning(s) of Jamrah: Firebrand Ember Pebble | جَمْرَة | There are 7 companions named Jamrah: Jamrah bin Shihab جمرة بن شهاب Jamrah bin Awf جمرة بن عوف Jamrah bin al-Nu`man bin Hawdhah جمرة بن النعمان بن هوذة Jamrah (last name unknown) جمرة غير منسوب Jamrah bint Abdullah جمرة بنت عبد الله Jamrah bint Quhafah جمرة بنت قحافة Jamrah bint al-Nu`man جمرة بنت النعمان |
Janab also spelled as: Janaab | Male | Meaning(s) of Janab: Gate A title of respect | جَناب | There are 5 companions named Janab: Janab bin Harithah جناب بن حارثة Janab bin Qaidhi al-Ansari جناب بن قيضي الأنصاري Janab al-Kinani جناب الكناني Janab al-Kalbi جناب الكلبي Janab bin Marthad جناب بن مرثد |
Jandal | Male | Meaning(s) of Jandal: A rock that can be lifted by a man | جَندل | There are 2 companions named Jandal: Jandal al-Ijli جندل العجلي Jandal bin Nadhlah جندل بن نضلة |
Jarad also spelled as: Jaraad | Male | Meaning(s) of Jarad: Locust (a type of insect) | جراد | There are 5 companions named Jarad: Jarad al-Bajali جراد البجلي Jarad bin Tuhyah جراد بن طهية Jarad bin Abs جراد بن عبس Jarad al-Uqaili جراد العقيلي Jarad bin Malik bin Nuwairah al-Tamimi جراد بن مالك بن نويرة التميمي |
Jareer also spelled as: Jarir | Male | Meaning(s) of Jareer: A piece of leather or rope that is pierced into a camel's nose to subdue it and make it easy to lead | جرير | There are 4 companions named Jareer: Jareer bin al-Arqat جرير بن الأرقط Jareer bin Aws جرير بن أوس Jareer bin Abdullah al-Humairi جرير بن عبد الله الحميري Jareer bin Abdullah al-Bajali جرير بن عبد الله البجلي |
Jarhad | Male | Meaning(s) of Jarhad: Cheerful Joyful Happy | جَرهَد | There is one companion named Jarhad: Jarhad bin Razaah جرهد بن رزاح |
Jariyah also spelled as: Jariya, Jaria | Male | Meaning(s) of Jariyah: Young woman | جارية | There are 7 companions named Jariyah: Jariyah bin Asram al-Kalbi جارية بن أصرم الكلبي Jariyah bin Jabir al-Asri جارية بن جابر العصري Jariyab bin Humail bin Nashabah جارية بن حميل بن نشبة Jariyab bin Dhufar al-Yamami al-Hanafi جارية بن ظفر اليمامي الحنفي Jariyab bin Abdullah al-Ashja`i جارية بن عبد الله الأشجعي Jariyab bin Qudamah al-Sa`di جارية بن قدامة السعدي Jariyab bin Mujamma` bin Jariyah al-Ansari جارية بن مجمع بن جارية الأنصاري |
Jaroo also spelled as: Jaru | Male | Meaning(s) of Jaroo: Cub Puppy | جَرُو | There are 4 companions named Jaroo: Jaroo bin Jabir جرو بن جابر Jaroo al-Sadoosi جرو السدوسي Jaroo bin Amr al-Udhri جرو بن عمرو العذري Jaroo bin Malik bin Umar جرو بن مالك بن عمر |
Jarrah also spelled as: Jaraah | Male | Meaning(s) of Jarrah: Surgeon One who dresses a wound An able fighter (literally "one who wounds") | جراح | There is one companion named Jarrah: al-Jarrah bin Abi al-Jarrah al-Ashja`i الجراح بن أبي الجراح الأشجعي |
Jarwal also spelled as: Jarual | Male | Meaning(s) of Jarwal: A stone that can be lifted by a man (that is not too heavy) A type of animal, it is unclear what animal it is exactly | جرول | There are 4 companions named Jarwal: Jarwal bin al-Ahnaf جرول بن الأحنف Jarwal bin Abbas جرول بن عباس Jarwal al-Absi جرول العبسي Jarwal bin Malik جرول بن مالك |
Jasr | Male | Meaning(s) of Jasr: A strong and hulking man A large camel | جَسر | There is one companion named Jasr: Jasr bin Wahb جسر بن وهب |
Jathamah also spelled as: Jaththamah, Jassamah | Unisex | Meaning(s) of Jathamah: Forbearing chief Sleepy and slow-witted | جثامة | There are 3 companions named Jathamah: Jathamah bin Qais جثامة بن قيس Jathamah bin Musahiq جثامة بن مساحق Jathamah al-Muzaniyyah جثامة المزنية |
Jawn also spelled as: Jaun | Male | Meaning(s) of Jawn: Any dark green plant whose darkness approaches blackness Red White Black A very black camel or horse | جَوْن | There are 2 companions named Jawn: Jawn bin Qatadah bin al-A`war bin al-Tamimi جون بن قتادة بن الأعور التميمي al-Jawn bin Mujasir الجون بن مجاسر |
Jaz’ | Male | Meaning(s) of Jaz’: The act of splitting or dividing something Contentment | جَزْء | There are 8 companions named Jaz’: Jaz' bin Anas al-Salmi جزء بن أنس السلمي Jaz' bin Jadrjan جزء بن جدرجان Jaz' bin Suhail al-Salmi جزء بن سهيل السلمي Jaz' bin Dharar al-Ghatfani جزء بن ضرار الغطفاني Jaz' bin al-Abbas جزء بن العباس Jaz' bin Malik جزء بن مالك Jaz' bin Mu`awiyah bin Hasn جزء بن معاوية بن حصن Jaz (last name unknown) جزء غير منسوب |
Jibarah also spelled as: Jibaara | Male | Meaning(s) of Jibarah: The act of giving charity to the poor to improve their situation A piece of wood placed by a broken limb and fastened to it to ensure its proper recovery | جِبارة | There is one companion named Jibarah: Jibarah bin Zurarah al-Balawi |
Jidar also spelled as: Jidaar | Male | Meaning(s) of Jidar: Wall | جِدَار | There is one companion named Jidar: Jidar al-Aslami جدار الأسلمي |