- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabi Names for Boys
1308 names - page 39
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Jirwah also spelled as: Jirwa | Male | Meaning(s) of Jirwah: A short she-camel | جِروة | There is one companion named Jirwah: Jirwah bin Yazeed al-Ta'i جروة بن يزيد الطائي |
Ju`aid also spelled as: Jouaid | Male | Meaning(s) of Ju`aid: Curly, short or frizzled hair | جعيد | There is one companion named Ju`aid: al-Ju`aid al-Taghlibi الجعيد التغلبي |
Ju`aidah also spelled as: Jouaidah | Male | Meaning(s) of Ju`aidah: Curly, short or frizzled hair | جعيدة | There is one companion named Ju`aidah: Ju`aidah bin Ubaidah al-Kilabi جعيدة بن عبيدة الكلابي |
Ju`ail also spelled as: Jouail | Male | Meaning(s) of Ju`ail: Reward Allowance | جعيل | There is one companion named Ju`ail: Ju`ail bin Ziyad al-Ashja`i جعيل بن زياد الأشجعي |
Ju`shum also spelled as: Joushum | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | جُعشُم | There is one companion named Ju`shum: Ju`shum al-Khair bin Khulaibah جعشم الخير بن خليبة |
Jubaib also spelled as: Jubayb | Male | Meaning(s) of Jubaib: Diminutive form of Jubb, meaning: Cistern Pit Well | جُبيب | There is one companion named Jubaib: Jubaib bin al-Harith جبيب بن الحارث |
Jubair also spelled as: Jubayr | Male | Meaning(s) of Jubair: Diminutive form of Jabr, meaning: To mend a broken bone To mend and improve something | جُبير | There are 12 companions named Jubair: Jubair bin Iyas bin Khalid bin Mukhallad جبير بن إياس بن خالد بن مخلد Jubair bin Buhainah جُبير بن بحينة Jubair bin al-Harith al-A`rabi جُبيربن الحارث الأعرابي Jubair bin al-Habbab bin al-Mundhir al-Ansari جبير بن الحباب بن المنذر الأنصاري Jubair bin al-Huwayrith bin Nuqaid جبير بن الحويرث بن نقيد Jubair bin Hayyah جبير بن حية Jubair bin al-Qash`am جبير بن القشعم Jubair bin Malik جبير بن مالك Jubair bin Mut`im bin Adi جبير بن مطعم بن عدي Jubair bin al-Nu`man جبير بن النعمان Jubair bin Nufair جبير بن نفير Jubair bin Nawfal جبير بن نوفل |
Judai` | Male | Meaning(s) of Judai`: Diminutive form of Jad`, which means: To amputate | جُديع | There is one companion named Judai`: Judai` bin Nudhair جديع بن نذير |
Juddi also spelled as: Judee | Male | Meaning(s) of Juddi: One who comes from the city of Jeddah in Arabia | جُدّي | There is one companion named Juddi: Juddi bin Murrah جُدّي بن مرة |
Juhaim | Male | Meaning(s) of Juhaim: Lion Grim-faced | جهيم | There are 2 companions named Juhaim: Juhaim bin Abi al-Aslami جهيم بن أبي الأسلمي Juhaim bin al-Salt جهيم بن الصلت |
Julaah also spelled as: Jolah | Male | Meaning(s) of Julaah: Deluge A flood that carries away everything in its path | جُلاح | There are 2 companions named Julaah: al-Julaah bin al-Ashad الجلاح بن الأشد al-Julaah Abu Khalid الجلاح أبو خالد |
Julaihah also spelled as: Julaiha | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | جُليحة | There is one companion named Julaihah: Julaihah bin Abdullah جليحة بن عبد الله |
Jullas also spelled as: Julaas | Male | Meaning(s) of Jullas: Literally "one who sits with [another person]", thus meaning "close friend", "beloved friend" | جُلّاس | There are 3 companions named Jullas: Jullas bin al-Saleet al-Yarbu`i جلاس بن السليط اليربوعي al-Jullas bin Suwaid الجلاس بن سويد al-Jullas bin Amr al-Kindi الجلّاس بن عمرو الكندي |
Jumanah also spelled as: Jumana | Unisex | Meaning(s) of Jumanah: A bead of pearl | جُمانة | There are 2 companions named Jumanah: Jumanah al-Bahili جمانة الباهلي Jumanah bint Abi Talib جمانة بنت أبي طالب |
Jumhan | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | جُمهان | There is one companion named Jumhan: Jumhan al-A`maa جمهان الأعمى |
Junadah also spelled as: Junada | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | جُنادة | There are 10 companions named Junadah: Junadah bin Abi Umayyah al-Azdi جنادة بن أبي أمية الأزدي Junadah bin Abi Umayyah al-Doosi جنادة بن أبي أمية الدوسي Junadah bin Tameem al-Maliki al-Kinani جنادة بن تميم المالكي الكناني Junadah bin Jarad al-Ailani al-Bahili جنادة بن جراد العيلاني الباهلي Junadah bin Zaid al-Harithi جنادة بن زيد الحارثي Junadah bin Sufyan al-Ansari جنادة بن سفيان الأنصاري Junadah bin Awf جنادة بن عوف Junadah bin Malik al-Azdi جنادة بن مالك الأزدي Junadah bin Abi Nabqah جنادة بن أبي نبقة Junadah (last name unknown) جنادة غير منسوب |
Junadih also spelled as: Junaadih | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | جُنادح | There is one companion named Junadih: Junadih bin Maimun |
Junaid also spelled as: Jonaid, Junayd | Male | Meaning(s) of Junaid: Soldier | جُنيد | There are 4 companions named Junaid: Junaid bin Sab` Abu Jum`ah جنيد بن سبع أبو جمعة Junaid bin Samee` al-Muzani جنيد بن سميع المزني Junaid bin Abdul Rahman جنيد بن عبد الرحمن Junaid bin Awf جنيد بن عوف |
Junaidub | Male | Meaning(s) of Junaidub: Diminutive form of Jundub, meanin: Grasshopper | جنيدب | There is one companion named Junaidub: Junaidub bin Jundub bin Amr al-Dusi جنيدب بن جندب بن عمر الدوسي |
Junbuzah also spelled as: Junbudhah | Male | Meaning(s) of Junbuzah: Pomegranate blossom Any tree blossom Dome | جنبذة | There is one companion named Junbuzah: Junbuzah bin Sab` جنبذة بن سبع |