- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabi Names for Boys
1308 names - page 9
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Abu Kilab | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Kilab: Father of Kilab | أبو كلاب | There is one companion named Abu Kilab: Abu Kilab bin Abi Sa`sa`ah al-Ansari أبو كلاب بن أبي صعصعة الأنصاري |
Abu Laas | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Laas: Father of Laas | أبو لاس | There is one companion named Abu Laas: Abu Laas al-Khuza`i أبو لاس الخزاعي |
Abu Laylaa | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Laylaa: Father of Laylaa | أبو ليلى | There are 6 companions named Abu Laylaa: Abu Laylaa al-Ash`ari أبو ليلى الأشعري Abu Laylaa al-Ansari أبو ليلى الأنصاري Abu Laylaa al-Khuza`i أبو ليلى الخزاعي Abu Laylaa al-Mazini أبو ليلى المازني Abu Laylaa al-Ghaffari أبو ليلى الغفاري Abu Laylaa al-Nabighah al-Ja`di أبو ليلى النابغة الجعدي |
Abu Lubabah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Lubabah: Father of Lubabah | أبو لبابة | There are 2 companions named Abu Lubabah: Abu Lubabah bin Abdul Mundhir أبو لبابة بن عبد المنذر Abu Lubabah slave of the Prophet SAW أبو لبابة مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم |
Abu Lubaibah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Lubaibah: Father of Lubaibah | أبو لبيبة | There is one companion named Abu Lubaibah: Abu Lubaibah al-Ashhali أبو لبيبة الأشهلي |
Abu Ma`bad | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Ma`bad: Father of Ma`bad | أبو معبد | There are 3 companions named Abu Ma`bad: Abu Ma`bad al-Juhani أبو معبد الجهني Abu Ma`bad bin Hazn أبو معبد بن حزن Abu Ma`bad al-Khuza`i أبو معبد الخزاعي |
Abu Ma`mar | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Ma`mar: Father of Ma`mar | أبو معمر | There is one companion named Abu Ma`mar: Abu Ma`mar (last name unknown) أبو معمر غير منسوب |
Abu Ma`n | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Ma`n: Father of Ma`n | أبو معن | There is one companion named Abu Ma`n: Abu Ma`n (last name unknown) أبو معن غير منسوب |
Abu Ma`qal | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Ma`qal: Father of Ma`qal | أبو معقل | There are 3 companions named Abu Ma`qal: Abu Ma`qal al-Ansari أبو معقل الأنصاري Abu Ma`qal bin Nuhaik أبو معقل بن نهيك Abu Ma`qal al-Ansari أبو معقل الأنصاري |
Abu Mahdhoorah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Mahdhoorah: Father of Mahdhoorah | أبو محذورة | There is one companion named Abu Mahdhoorah: Abu Mahdhoorah al-Jumahi أبو محذورة الجمحي |
Abu Maimoon | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Maimoon: Father of Maimoon | أبو ميمون | There is one companion named Abu Maimoon: Abu Maimoon Jaabaan أبو ميمون جابان |
Abu Maisarah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Maisarah: Father of Maisarah | أبو ميسرة | There are 2 companions named Abu Maisarah: Abu Maisarah (last name unknown) أبو ميسرة غير منسوب Abu Maisarah slave of al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib أبو ميسرة مولى العباس بن عبد المطلب |
Abu Makhshi | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Makhshi: Father of Makhshi | أبو مخشي | There is one companion named Abu Makhshi: Abu Makhshi al-Asadi أبو مخشي الأسدي |
Abu Maleeh | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Maleeh: Father of Maleeh | أبو مليح | There are 2 companions named Abu Maleeh: Abu Maleeh bin Urwah al-Thaqafi أبو مليح بن عروة الثقفي Abu Maleeh al-Hudhali أبو مليح الهذلي |
Abu Malik | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Malik: Father of Malik | أبو مالك | There are 3 companions named Abu Malik: Abu Malik al-Ashja`i أبو مالك الأشجعي Abu Malik al-Ash`ari أبو مالك الأشعري Abu Malik (last name unknown) أبو مالك غير منسوب |
Abu Mandhoor | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Mandhoor: Father of Mandhoor | أبو منظور | There is one companion named Abu Mandhoor: Abu Mandhoor (last name unknown) أبو منظور غير منسوب |
Abu Manfa`ah | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Manfa`ah: Father of Manfa`ah | أبو منفعة | There is one companion named Abu Manfa`ah: Abu Manfa`ah al-Thaqafi أبو منفعة الثقفي |
Abu Mansoor | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Mansoor: Father of Mansoor | أبو منصور | There is one companion named Abu Mansoor: Abu Mansoor al-Farsi أبو منصور الفارسي |
Abu Marhab | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Marhab: Father of Marhab | أبو مرحب | There is one companion named Abu Marhab: Abu Marhab (last name unknown) أبو مرحب غير منسوب |
Abu Marthad | Male | Meaning(s) of Abu Marthad: Father of Marthad | أبو مرثد | There is one companion named Abu Marthad: Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi أبو مرثد الغنوي |