Sahabi Names Starting With A

488 names - page 5

NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
Abu BasheerMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Basheer:
Father of Basheer
أبو بشير
There is one companion named Abu Basheer:
Abu Basheer al-Ansari أبو بشير الأنصاري
Abu BasrahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Basrah:
Father of Basrah
أبو بصرة
There is one companion named Abu Basrah:
Abu Basrah al-Ghaffari أبو بصرة الغفاري
Abu BishrMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Bishr:
Father of Bishr
أبو بشر
There is one companion named Abu Bishr:
Abu Bishr al-Sulami أبو بشر السلمي
Abu BurdahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Burdah:
Father of Burdah
أبو بردة
There are 6 companions named Abu Burdah:
Abu Burdah al-Ash`ari أبو بردة الأشعري
Abu Burdah al-Ansari al-Dhufari أبو بردة الأنصاري الظفري
Abu Burdah al-Ansari أبو بردة الأنصاري
Abu Burdah uncle of Jumai` أبو بردة خال جُميع
Abu Burdah bin Qais أبو بردة بن قيس
Abu Burdah bin Niyar أبو بردة بن نيار
Abu BurzahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Burzah:
Father of Burzah
أبو برزة
There is one companion named Abu Burzah:
Abu Burzah al-Aslami أبو برزة الأسلمي
Abu Dawood
also spelled as: Abu Dawud
Meaning(s) of Abu Dawood:
Father of Dawood
أبو داود
There is one companion named Abu Dawood:
Abu Dawood al-Ansari أبو داود الأنصاري
Abu DhabiahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Dhabiah:
Father of Dhabiah
أبو ظبية
There is one companion named Abu Dhabiah:
Abu Dhabiah (last name unknown) أبو ظبية غير منسوب
Abu DhabianMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Dhabian:
Father of Dhabian
أبو ظبيان
There is one companion named Abu Dhabian:
Abu Dhabian al-A`raj أبو ظبيان الأعرج
Abu Dhar
also spelled as: Abu Zar
Meaning(s) of Abu Dhar:
Father of Dhar
أبو ذر
There is one companion named Abu Dhar:
Abu Dhar al-Ghaffari أبو ذر الغفاري
Abu Dhayyah
also spelled as: Abu Zayyah
Meaning(s) of Abu Dhayyah:
Father of Dhayyah
أبو ضيّاح
There is one companion named Abu Dhayyah:
Abu Dhayyah al-Nu`man bin Thabit أبو ضيّاح النعمان بن ثابت
Abu Dhubais
also spelled as: Abu Zubais
Meaning(s) of Abu Dhubais:
Father of Dhubais
أبو ضبيس
There is one companion named Abu Dhubais:
Abu Dhubais al-Juhani أبو ضبيس الجهني
Abu Dhumairah
also spelled as: Abu Zumaira
Meaning(s) of Abu Dhumairah:
Father of Dhumairah
أبو ضميرة
There is one companion named Abu Dhumairah:
Abu Dhumairah slave of the Prophet SAW أبو ضميرة مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
Abu DujanahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Dujanah:
Father of Dujanah
أبو دجانة
There is one companion named Abu Dujanah:
Abu Dujanah al-Ansari أبو دجانة الأنصاري
Abu DurrahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Durrah:
Father of Durrah
أبو درة
There is one companion named Abu Durrah:
Abu Durrah al-Balawi أبو درة البلوي
Abu FadhalahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Fadhalah:
Father of Fadhalah
أبو فضالة
There is one companion named Abu Fadhalah:
Abu Fadhalah al-Ansari أبو فضالة الأنصاري
Abu FarwahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Farwah:
Father of Farwah
أبو فروة
There are 2 companions named Abu Farwah:
Abu Farwah al-Ashja`i أبو فروة الأشجعي
Abu Farwah slave of Abdul Rahman bin Hisham أبو فروة مولى عبد الرحمن بن هشام
Abu FatimahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Fatimah:
Father of Fatimah
أبو فاطمة
There are 2 companions named Abu Fatimah:
Abu Fatimah al-Ayadi أبو فاطمة الأيادي
Abu Fatimah al-Azdi al-Dawsi أبو فاطمة الأزدي الدوسي
Abu FirasMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Firas:
Father of Firas
أبو فراس
There is one companion named Abu Firas:
Abu Firas al-Aslami أبو فراس الأسلمي
Abu FukaihahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Fukaihah:
Father of Fukaikhah
أبو فكيهة
There is one companion named Abu Fukaihah:
Abu Fukaihah al-Azdi أبو فكيهة الأزدي
Abu Furai`ahMale
Meaning(s) of Abu Furai`ah:
Father of Furai`ah
أبو فريعة
There is one companion named Abu Furai`ah:
Abu Furai`ah al-Sulami أبو فريعة السلمي
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