- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabi Names Starting With B
63 names - page 1
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Ba`jah also spelled as: Bajah, Baaja | Male | Meaning(s) of Ba`jah: The act of cutting something open and causing what is inside to fall out | بعجة | There are 2 companions named Ba`jah: Ba`jah bin Zaid al-Judhami بعجة بن زيد الجذامي Ba`jah bin Abdulah bi Badr al-Juhani بعجة بن عبد الله بن بدر الجهني |
Bab also spelled as: Baab | Male | Meaning(s) of Bab: Door Gate | باب | There are 2 companions named Bab: Bab ibn Dhi al-Jarrah باب ابن ذي الجرة Bab bin Umair باب بن عمير |
Babawayh also spelled as: Babaway | Male | Meaning(s) of Babawayh: Unknown, of Persian origin | بابويه | There is one companion named Babawayh: Babawayh the Persian بابويه الفارسي |
Badaa’ also spelled as: Bada | Male | Meaning(s) of Badaa’: To become clear To become manifest To become visible and prominent | بَداء | There is one companion named Badaa’: al-Badaa' bin Aasim al-Lakhmi البداء بن عاصم اللخمي |
Badam also spelled as: Baadam, Badaam | Male | Meaning(s) of Badam: Almond Notes: This is a Persian name. | بادام | There is one companion named Badam: Badam (freed slave of the Prophet SAW) بادام مولى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم |
Baddaah also spelled as: Baddah | Male | Meaning(s) of Baddaah: Thrower Hurler | بدّاح | There is one companion named Baddaah: al-Baddaah bin Adee al-Ansari البداح بن عدي الأنصاري |
Badiyah also spelled as: Badia | Female | Meaning(s) of Badiyah: The desert The country (i.e. areas outside cities) One who starts or initiates something Visible and prominent | بادية | There is one companion named Badiyah: Badiyah bint Ghailan بادية بنت غيلان |
Badr also spelled as: Bader | Male | Meaning(s) of Badr: Fullness moon A young man who has reached adulthood A valley between Mecca and Medina in which the Battle of Badr was fought | بَدْر | There are 5 companions named Badr: Badr bin Abdullah al-Muzani بدر بن عبد الله المزني Badr bin Abdullah al-Khatmi بدر بن عبد الله الخطمي Badr bin Abdullah بدر بن عبد الله Badr Abu Abdullah بدر أبو عبد الله Badr bin Aamir al-Hudhali بدر بن عامر الهذلي |
Badrah also spelled as: Badra | Male | Meaning(s) of Badrah: Quickness and sharpness of eyesight | بدرة | There is one companion named Badrah: Badrah Abu Malik بدرة أبو مالك |
Bagheez also spelled as: Bagheedh | Male | Meaning(s) of Bagheez: One who has enemies | بَغِيض | There are 2 companions named Bagheez: Bagheez bin Aamir بغيض بن عامر Bagheez bin Habeeb bin Marwan بغيض بن حبيب بن مروان |
Baghoom | Female | Meaning(s) of Baghoom: One who has a soft, high feminine voice; one who sings to her child with such a voice | بغوم | There is one companion named Baghoom: al-Baghoom bint al-Mu`addal البغوم بنت المعدل |
Bahath also spelled as: Bahaath, Bahhath, Bahhas | Male | Meaning(s) of Bahath: Searcher Researcher Seeker | بحَّاث | There is one companion named Bahath: Bahath bin Tha`labah بحَّاث بن ثعلبة |
Bahdal | Male | Meaning(s) of Bahdal: Striped hyena A type of bird with green feathers (it is unclear what bird it is exactly) | بهدل | There is one companion named Bahdal: Bahdal al-Ta'i بهدل الطائي |
Baheer | Male | Meaning(s) of Baheer: The name of a mountain One who is suffering from tuberculosis | بَحير | There is one companion named Baheer: Baheer bin Raisan al-Kala`i al-Yamaani بحير بن رَيسان الكلاعي اليماني |
Bajalah also spelled as: Bajala | Male | Meaning(s) of Bajalah: To have a good life To be respected and honored as a great chief or lord | بجالة | There is one companion named Bajalah: Bajalah bin Ubaidah al-Tamimi al-Anbari بجالة بن عبيدة التميمي العنبري |
Bajr | Male | Meaning(s) of Bajr: Extreme thirst Weakness Fullness of the stomach with fluid | بَجر | There is one companion named Bajr: Bajr bin al-Harith بجر بن الحارث |
Bakkaar also spelled as: Bakaar, Bakkar | Male | Meaning(s) of Bakkaar: One who gets up early or who goes out to work early in the day | بَكّار | There is one companion named Bakkaar: Bakkaar bin Abdullah bin Sahook بكّار بن عبد الله بن سهوك |
Bakr also spelled as: Baker | Male | Meaning(s) of Bakr: A strong young man A young camel | بَكر | There are 10 companions named Bakr: Bakr bin Umayyah al-Dhamri بكر بن أمية الضمري Bakr bin Jabalah بكر بن جبلة Bakr bin al-Haarith al-Anmaari بكر بن الحارث الأنماري Bakr bin Haarithah al-Juhani بكر بن حارثة الجهني Bakr bin Habeeb al-Hanafi بكر بن حبيب الحنفي Bakr bin Hadhlam al-Asadi بكر بن حذلم الأسدي Bakr bin al-Shuddakh al-Laithi بكر بن الشداخ الليثي Bakr bin Abdullah bin al-Rabee` al-Ansari بكر بن عبد الله بن الربيع الأنصاري Bakr bin Abdullah بكر بن عبد الله Bakr bin Mubshir bin Khair al-Ansari al-Awsi بكر بن مبشر بن خير الأنصاري الأوسي |
Baqeerah | Female | Meaning(s) of Baqeerah: A garment or cloak that lacks sleeve or collar | بقيرة | There is one companion named Baqeerah: Baqeerah wife of al-Qa`qaa` بقيرة امرأة القعقاع |
Baqum also spelled as: Baqoom | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. Notes: This name is likely not Arabic. | باقوم | There is one companion named Baqum: Baqum the Roman باقوم الرومي |