Sahabi Names Starting With I

48 names - page 1

NameSexMeaning(s)Arabic SpellingSahabis
Ibn Aa’ishMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Aa’ish:
Son of Aa'ish
ابن عائش
There is one companion named Ibn Aa’ish:
Ibn Aa'ish al-Juhani ابن عائش الجهني
Ibn Abi HamamahMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Abi Hamamah:
Son of the Father of Hamamah
ابن أبي حمامة
There is one companion named Ibn Abi Hamamah:
Ibn Abi Hamamah al-Sulami ابن أبي حمامة السلمي
Ibn Abi MarhabMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Abi Marhab:
Son of the Father of Marhab
ابن أبي مرحب
There is one companion named Ibn Abi Marhab:
Ibn Abi Marhab (last name unknown) ابن أبي مرحب غير منسوب
Ibn Abi ShaikhMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Abi Shaikh:
Son of the father of Shaikh
ابن أبي شيخ
There is one companion named Ibn Abi Shaikh:
Ibn Abi Shaikh al-Muharibi ابن أبي شيخ المحاربي
Ibn AbsMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Abs:
Son of Abs
ابن عبس
There is one companion named Ibn Abs:
Ibn Abs (last name unknown) ابن عبس غير منسوب
Ibn AfeefMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Afeef:
Son of Afeef
ابن عفيف
There is one companion named Ibn Afeef:
Ibn Afeef (last name unknown) ابن عفيف غير منسوب
Ibn AssaalMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Assaal:
Son of Assaal
ابن عسال
There is one companion named Ibn Assaal:
Ibn Assaal (last name unknown) ابن عسال غير منسوب
Ibn FushumMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Fushum:
Son of Fushum
Pronounced Fos-hom.
ابن فسحم
There is one companion named Ibn Fushum:
Ibn Fushum (last name unknown) ابن فسحم غير منسوب
Ibn GhannamMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Ghannam:
Son of Ghannam
ابن غنام
There is one companion named Ibn Ghannam:
Ibn Ghannam (last name unknown) ابن غنام غير منسوب
Ibn HadeedahMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Hadeedah:
Son of Hadeedah
ابن حديدة
There is one companion named Ibn Hadeedah:
Ibn Hadeedah (last name unknown) ابن حديدة غير منسوب
Ibn JameelMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Jameel:
Son of Jameel
ابن جميل
There is one companion named Ibn Jameel:
Ibn Jameel (last name unknown) ابن جميل غير منسوب
Ibn KhalidMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Khalid:
Son of Khalid
ابن خالد
There is one companion named Ibn Khalid:
Ibn Khalid bin Sinan al-Absi ابن خالد بن سنان العبسي
Ibn LaylaaMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Laylaa:
Son of Laylaa
ابن ليلى
There is one companion named Ibn Laylaa:
Ibn Laylaa al-Muzani ابن ليلى المزني
Ibn Marba`Male
Meaning(s) of Ibn Marba`:
Son of Marba`
ابن مربع
There is one companion named Ibn Marba`:
Ibn Marba` al-Ansari ابن مربع الأنصاري
Ibn Mas`adahMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Mas`adah:
Son of Mas`adah
ابن مسعدة
There is one companion named Ibn Mas`adah:
Ibn Mas`adah (last name unknown) ابن مسعدة غير منسوب
Ibn Mas`udMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Mas`ud:
Son of Mas`ud
ابن مسعود
There are 2 companions named Ibn Mas`ud:
Ibn Mas`ud al-Ghaffari ابن مسعود الغفاري
Ibn Mas`ud al-Wahbi ابن مسعود الوهبي
Ibn NasikhMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Nasikh:
Son of Nasikh
ابن ناسخ
There is one companion named Ibn Nasikh:
Ibn Nasikh al-Hadhrami ابن ناسخ الحضرمي
Ibn Rab`ahMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Rab`ah:
Son of Rab`ah
ابن ربعة
There is one companion named Ibn Rab`ah:
Ibn Rab`ah al-Khuza`i ابن ربعة الخزاعي
Ibn SabrahMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Sabrah:
Son of Sabrah
ابن سبرة
There is one companion named Ibn Sabrah:
Ibn Sabrah (last name unknown) ابن سبرة غير منسوب
Ibn SailanMale
Meaning(s) of Ibn Sailan:
Son of Sailan
ابن سيلان
There is one companion named Ibn Sailan:
Ibn Sailan (last name unknown) ابن سيلان غير منسوب
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