- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabi Names Starting With I
48 names - page 2
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Ibn Sandar | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibn Sandar: Son of Sandar | ابن سندر | There is one companion named Ibn Sandar: Ibn Sandar (slave of Rawh bin Zanbaa`) ابن سندر مولى روح بن زنباع |
Ibn Shaybah | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibn Shaybah: Son of Shaybah | ابن شيبة | There is one companion named Ibn Shaybah: Ibn Shaybah (last name unknown) ابن شيبة غير منسوب |
Ibn Uds | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibn Uds: Son of Uds | ابن عدس | There is one companion named Ibn Uds: Ibn Uds al-Ma`afiri ابن عدس المعافري |
Ibn Ziml | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibn Ziml: Son of Ziml | ابن زمل | There is one companion named Ibn Ziml: Ibn Ziml al-Juhani ابن زمل الجهني |
Ibn al-Adra` | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibn al-Adra`: Son of al-Adra` | أبن الأدرع | There is one companion named Ibn al-Adra`: Ibn al-Adra` (last name unknown) ابن الأدرع غير منسوب |
Ibn al-Bujair | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibn al-Bujair: Son of al-Bujair | ابن البجير | There is one companion named Ibn al-Bujair: Ibn al-Bujair (last name unknown) ابن البجير غير منسوب |
Ibn al-Muntafaq | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibn al-Muntafaq: Son of al-Muntafaq | ابن المنتفق | There is one companion named Ibn al-Muntafaq: Ibn al-Muntafaq al-Qaisi ابن المنتفق القيسي |
Ibnul Dahdaah | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibnul Dahdaah: Son of al-Dahdaah | ابن الدحداح | There is one companion named Ibnul Dahdaah: Ibnul Dahdaah (last name unknown) ابن الدحداح غير منسوب |
Ibnul Handhaliyyah | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibnul Handhaliyyah: Son of al-Handhaliyyah | ابن الحنظلية | There is one companion named Ibnul Handhaliyyah: Ibnul Handhaliyyah al-Ansari ابن الحنظلية الأنصاري |
Ibnul Lutabiyyah | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibnul Lutabiyyah: Son of al-Lutabiyyah | ابن اللتبية | There is one companion named Ibnul Lutabiyyah: Ibnul Lutabiyyah al-Azdi ابن اللتبية الأزدي |
Ibnul Qishb | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibnul Qishb: Son of al-Qishb | ابن القشب | There is one companion named Ibnul Qishb: Ibnul Qishb (last name unknown) ابن القشب غير منسوب |
Ibnul Shayyab | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibnul Shayyab: Son of al-Shayyab | ابن الشياب | There is one companion named Ibnul Shayyab: Ibnul Shayyab (last name unknown) ابن الشياب غير منسوب |
Ibrahim also spelled as: Ibraahim, Ibrahem, Ebrahim, Ibraaheem | Male | Meaning(s) of Ibrahim: Ibrahim is taken from Hebrew and was originally the name of a prophet, known as Abraham in the Bible. The name means "father of a multitude", i.e. "father of a great number of people". | إبراهيم | There are 20 companions named Ibrahim: Ibrahim al-Ashhali إبراهيم الأشهلي Ibrahim al-Ansari إبراهيم الأنصاري Ibrahim bin Jabir إبراهيم بن جابر Ibrahim bin al-Harith إبراهيم بن الحارث Ibrahim bin abi Khidash إبراهيم بن أبي خِداش Ibrahim bin Khalaad bin Suwaid al-Khazraji al-Ansari إبراهيم بن خلاد بن سويد الخزرجي الأنصاري Ibrahim Abu Rafi` إبراهيم أبو رافع Ibrahim al-Taa'ifi (father of Ataa' bin Ibrahim) إبراهيم الطائفي والد عطاء بن إبراهيم Ibrahim bin Abbaad bin Isaaf al-Ansari al-Awsi al-Harithi إبراهيم بن عباد بن إِسَافٍ الأنصاري الأوسي الحارثي Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Qais إبراهيم بن عبد الله بن قيس Ibrahim al-Adhri إبراهيم العذري Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman bin Awf al-Zuhri al-Madani إبراهيم بن عبد الرحمن بن عوف الزهري المدني Ibrahim bin Ubaidah bin al-Harith إبراهيم بن عبيده بن الحارث Ibrahim bin Ubaid bin Rifa'ah al-Zurqi إبراهيم بن عبيد بن رفاعة الزرقي Ibrahim bin Qais إبراهيم بن قيس Ibrahim bin Maisarah إبراهيم بن مَيْسَرة Ibrahim bin Muhammad (son of the Prophet) إبراهيم بن النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم Ibrahim al-Najar إبراهيم النجار Ibrahim bin Nu`aim bin al-Nahham al-Adawi إبراهيم بن نعيم بن النحام العدوي Ibrahim bin Yazeed al-Khuzi إبراهيم بن يزيد الخُوزي |
Ikrimah also spelled as: Ikrima | Male | Meaning(s) of Ikrimah: A female pigeon A female turtle dove | عكرمة | There are 6 companions named Ikrimah: Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl عكرمة بن أبي جهل Ikrimah bin Khalid bi al-Aas عكرمة بن خالد بن العاص Ikrimah bin Saba` bin Khalid bin al-Harith عكرمة بن سباع بن خالد بن الحارث Ikrimah bin Ubaid al-Khawlani عكرمة بن عبيد الخولاني Ikrimah bin Aamir عكرمة بن عامر Ikrimah bin Ammar al-Ijli عكرمة بن عمار العجلي |
Ilbaa’ | Male | Meaning(s) of Ilbaa’: A nerve in the neck | علباء | There are 4 companions named Ilbaa’: Ilbaa' bin Asma` علباء بن أصمع Ilbaa' bin Murrah bin Aa'idhah علباء بن مرة بن عائذة Iblaa' al-Sulami علباء السلمي Ilbaa' bin al-Haitham علباء بن الهيثم |
Imran also spelled as: Emran, Imraan | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | عمران | There are 16 companions named Imran: Imran bin Bilal bin Uhaihah عمران بن بلال بن أحيحة Imran bin al-Hajjaj عمران بن الحجاج Imran bin Taim عمران بن تيم Imran bin al-Husain bin Ubaid عمران بن الحُصين بن عبيد Imran bin Hatan bin Dhabian عمران بن حطان بن ظبيان Imran bin Sawadah عمران بن سوادة Imran bin Salhah bin Abdullah al-Taimi عمران بن طلحة بن عبد الله التيمي Imran bin Isam al-Dhab`i عمران بن عصام الضبعي Imran al-Attari عمران العطاري Imran bin Umair عمران بن عمير Imran bin Ammar عمران بن عمار Imran bin Uwaim عمران بن عويم Imran bin al-Fusail عمران بن الفصيل Imran bin Nooh bin Mukhalid عمران بن نوح بن مخالد Imran bin Murrah al-Shaibani عمران بن مرة الشيباني Imran bin Milhan عمران بن ملحان |
Imru’ al-Qais also spelled as: Emru'alqais, Imrulqais | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. Notes: The name is a phrase that means "man of Qais". Qais itself means "severity", thus the meaning may be "man of severity". | امرؤ القيس | There are 4 companions named Imru’ al-Qais: Imru' al-Qais bin al-Asbagh al-Kalbi امرؤ القيس بن الأصبغ الكلبي Imru' al-Qais bin Abis امرؤ القيس بن عابس Imru' al-Qais bin Udai bin Aws امرؤ القيس بن عدي بن أوس Imru' al-Qais bin al-Fakhir امرؤ القيس بن الفاخر |
Iqal also spelled as: Iqaal | Male | Meaning(s) of Iqal: A young female camel | عِقال | There is one companion named Iqal: Iqal bin Khuwailid عقال بن خويلد |
Irbaz also spelled as: Irbaadh | Male | Meaning(s) of Irbaz: Powerful A large and fierce lion | عرباض | There is one companion named Irbaz: al-Irbaz bin Sariyah al-Sulami العرباض بن سراية السلمي |
Isa also spelled as: Esa, Isaa | Male | Meaning(s) of Isa: God is salvation Notes: Isa is the Arabic form of the name of the prophet known as Jesus in English, son of Mary. | عيسى | There are 3 companions named Isa: Isa bin Abdullah al-Subahi عيسى بن عبد الله الصباحي Isa bin Uqail al-Thaqafi عيسى بن عقيل الثقفي Isa bin Luqaim al-Absi عيسى بن لقيم العبسي |