- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabi Names Starting With Sh
36 names - page 2
Name Sex Meaning(s) Arabic Spelling Sahabis
Sharhabeel Male Historic name with unknown meaning. شرحبيل There are 15 companions named Sharhabeel:Sharhabeel bin al-A`war شرحبيل بن الأعورSharhabeel bin Aws al-Ja`fi شرحبيل بن أوس الجعفيSharhabeel bin Aws al-Kindi شرحبيل بن أوس الكنديSharhabeel bin Hajbah al-Muradi شرحبيل بن حجبة المراديSharhabeel bin Habeeb شرحبيل بن حبيبSharhabeel al-Mast شرحبيل بن المسطSharhabeel al-Dhubabi all-Handhali شرحبيل الضبابي الحنظليSharhabeel bin Abdul Rahman al-Ja`fi شرحبيل بن عبد الرحمن الجعفيSharhabeel bin Abd Kilal شرحبيل بن عبد كلالSharhabeel al-Absi شرحبيل العبسيSharhabeel bin Ghailan شرحبيل بن غيلانSharhabeel bin Ma`d Yakrab شرحبيل بن معد يكربSharhabeel (last name unknown) شرحبيل غير منسوبSharhabeel father of Abdul Rahman al-Ja`fi شرحبيل والد عبد الرحمن الجعفيSharhabeel father of Amr شرحبيل والد عمرو
Sharyah also spelled as: Sharya Male Meaning(s) of Sharyah:One tree belonging to the type of tree known as hanzalah, which is a tree that bears a round and bitter melon-like fruit that is used in medicine شرية There are 2 companions named Sharyah:Sharyah bin Ubaid bin Qulaib شرية بن عبيد بن قليبSharyah al-Jurhumi شرية الجرهمي
Shibl also spelled as: Shebl Male Meaning(s) of Shibl:Lion cub شِبل There are 5 companions named Shibl:Shibl bin Hamid شبل بن حامدShibl bin Khulaid al-Muzani شبل بن خليد المزنيShibl bin Malik شبل بن مالكShibl bin Ma`bad شبل بن معبدShibl father of Abdul Rahman bin Shibl شبل والد عبد الرحمن بن شبل
Shifaa’ also spelled as: Shifa Female Meaning(s) of Shifaa’:CureHealingRecovery شفاء There are 4 companions named Shifaa’:al-Shifaa' bint Abdullah الشفاء بنت عبد اللهal-Shifaa' bint Abdul Rahman الشفاء بنت عبد الرحمنal-Shifaa' bint Awf bin Abd bin al-Harith الشفاء بنت عوف بن عبد بن الحارثal-Shifaa' bint Awf الشفاء بنت عوف
Shihab also spelled as: Shehab Male Meaning(s) of Shihab:Shooting starMeteor شِهاب There are 12 companions named Shihab:Shihab al-Ansari شهاب الأنصاريShihab bin Asmaa' شهاب بن أسماءShihab bin Jamrah شهاب بن جمرةShihab bin Kharfah شهاب بن خرفةShihab bin Zuhair bin Madh`ur al-Bakri شهاب بن زهير بن مذعور البكريShihab bin Aamir a-Ansari شهاب بن عامر الأنصاريShihab al-Anbari father of Habeeb شهاب العنبري والد حبيبShihab al-Qarashi شهاب القرشيShihab bin Malik شهاب بن مالكShihab bin al-Matrook شهاب بن المتروكShihab bin al-Majnoon al-Jarami شهاب بن المجنون الجرميShihab (last name unknown) شهاب غير منسوب
Shu`aib also spelled as: Shouaib Male Meaning(s) of Shu`aib:The name of a prophet mentioned in the Quran. The meaning of the name is not known شُعيب There are 3 companions named Shu`aib:Shu`aib bin Harb شُعيب بن حَربShu`aib bin Zuraiq شعيب بن زريقShu'aib bin Amr al-Hadhrami شعيب بن عمرو الحضرمي
Shu`bah also spelled as: Shoubah Male Meaning(s) of Shu`bah:Tree branchBranch, group or category شُعبة There are 3 companions named Shu`bah:Shu`bah bin al-Taw'am al-Dhubi شعبة بن التوأم الضبيShu`bah bin Umair al-Tahawi شعبة بن عمير الطهويShu`bah bin al-Anbari شعبة العنبري
Shujaa` also spelled as: Shuja Male Meaning(s) of Shujaa`:Brave شجاع There are 2 companions named Shujaa`:Shujaa` bin al-Harith al-Sadoosi شجاع بن الحارث السدوسيShujaa` bin Wahb شجاع بن وهب
Shujairah Female Meaning(s) of Shujairah:A small tree شجيرة There is one companion named Shujairah:Shujairah bint Tameem شجيرة بنت تميم
Shumailah Female Meaning(s) of Shumailah:A toga or a similar garment شميلة There is one companion named Shumailah:Shumailah bint al-Harith شميلة بنت الحارث
Shuqairah also spelled as: Shuqayra Female Meaning(s) of Shuqairah:BlondeAn important matterA type of chameleon شقيرة There is one companion named Shuqairah:Shuqairah al-Asadiyyah شقيرة الأسدية
Shuraaf also spelled as: Shoraf Female Meaning(s) of Shuraaf:BalconiesGreatness, glory and honorNotes:Plural of sharaf. شُراف There is one companion named Shuraaf:Shuraaf bint Khaleefah شراف بنت خليفة
Shuraih Male Meaning(s) of Shuraih:A piece of meatTo spread or expand something شُريح There are 13 companions named Shuraih:Shuraih bin Abrahah al-Yani`i شريح بن أبرهة اليانعيShuraih bin Harith bin Qais شريح بن حارث بن قيسShuraih al-Hadhrami شريح الحضرميShuraih bin Abi Shuraih al-Hijazi شريح بن أبي شريح الحجازيShuraih bin Dhamrah al-Muzani شريح بن ضمرة المزنيShuraih bin Aamir شريح بن عامرShuraih bin Amr al-Khuza`i شريح بن عمرو الخزاعيShuraih bin Malik bin Rabee`ah شريح بن مالك بن ربيعةShuraih bin Murrah شريح بن مرةShuraih bin Abi Wahb al-Humairi شريح بن أبي وهب الحميريShuraih bin Haani' شريح بن هانئShuraih bin Abi Wahb al-Humairi شريح بن أبي وهب الحميريShuraih (last name unknown) شريح غير منسوب
Shurairah Female Historic name with unknown meaning.Notes:Possibl the name of a place, with unknown meaning. شريرة There is one companion named Shurairah:Shurairah bint al-Harith شريرة بنت الحارث
Shurfat al-Dar Female Meaning(s) of Shurfat al-Dar:High place of the home (shurfat itself means "balcony") شرفة الدار There is one companion named Shurfat al-Dar:Shurfat al-Dar bint al-Harith شرفة الدار بنت الحارث
Shuwaifi` also spelled as: Shuwayfi` Male Meaning(s) of Shuwaifi`:Interceder شويفع There is one companion named Shuwaifi`:Shuwaifi` (last name unknown) شويفع غير منسوب
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Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Sharhabeel | Male | Historic name with unknown meaning. | شرحبيل | There are 15 companions named Sharhabeel: Sharhabeel bin al-A`war شرحبيل بن الأعور Sharhabeel bin Aws al-Ja`fi شرحبيل بن أوس الجعفي Sharhabeel bin Aws al-Kindi شرحبيل بن أوس الكندي Sharhabeel bin Hajbah al-Muradi شرحبيل بن حجبة المرادي Sharhabeel bin Habeeb شرحبيل بن حبيب Sharhabeel al-Mast شرحبيل بن المسط Sharhabeel al-Dhubabi all-Handhali شرحبيل الضبابي الحنظلي Sharhabeel bin Abdul Rahman al-Ja`fi شرحبيل بن عبد الرحمن الجعفي Sharhabeel bin Abd Kilal شرحبيل بن عبد كلال Sharhabeel al-Absi شرحبيل العبسي Sharhabeel bin Ghailan شرحبيل بن غيلان Sharhabeel bin Ma`d Yakrab شرحبيل بن معد يكرب Sharhabeel (last name unknown) شرحبيل غير منسوب Sharhabeel father of Abdul Rahman al-Ja`fi شرحبيل والد عبد الرحمن الجعفي Sharhabeel father of Amr شرحبيل والد عمرو |
Sharyah also spelled as: Sharya | Male | Meaning(s) of Sharyah: One tree belonging to the type of tree known as hanzalah, which is a tree that bears a round and bitter melon-like fruit that is used in medicine | شرية | There are 2 companions named Sharyah: Sharyah bin Ubaid bin Qulaib شرية بن عبيد بن قليب Sharyah al-Jurhumi شرية الجرهمي |
Shibl also spelled as: Shebl | Male | Meaning(s) of Shibl: Lion cub | شِبل | There are 5 companions named Shibl: Shibl bin Hamid شبل بن حامد Shibl bin Khulaid al-Muzani شبل بن خليد المزني Shibl bin Malik شبل بن مالك Shibl bin Ma`bad شبل بن معبد Shibl father of Abdul Rahman bin Shibl شبل والد عبد الرحمن بن شبل |
Shifaa’ also spelled as: Shifa | Female | Meaning(s) of Shifaa’: Cure Healing Recovery | شفاء | There are 4 companions named Shifaa’: al-Shifaa' bint Abdullah الشفاء بنت عبد الله al-Shifaa' bint Abdul Rahman الشفاء بنت عبد الرحمن al-Shifaa' bint Awf bin Abd bin al-Harith الشفاء بنت عوف بن عبد بن الحارث al-Shifaa' bint Awf الشفاء بنت عوف |
Shihab also spelled as: Shehab | Male | Meaning(s) of Shihab: Shooting star Meteor | شِهاب | There are 12 companions named Shihab: Shihab al-Ansari شهاب الأنصاري Shihab bin Asmaa' شهاب بن أسماء Shihab bin Jamrah شهاب بن جمرة Shihab bin Kharfah شهاب بن خرفة Shihab bin Zuhair bin Madh`ur al-Bakri شهاب بن زهير بن مذعور البكري Shihab bin Aamir a-Ansari شهاب بن عامر الأنصاري Shihab al-Anbari father of Habeeb شهاب العنبري والد حبيب Shihab al-Qarashi شهاب القرشي Shihab bin Malik شهاب بن مالك Shihab bin al-Matrook شهاب بن المتروك Shihab bin al-Majnoon al-Jarami شهاب بن المجنون الجرمي Shihab (last name unknown) شهاب غير منسوب |
Shu`aib also spelled as: Shouaib | Male | Meaning(s) of Shu`aib: The name of a prophet mentioned in the Quran. The meaning of the name is not known | شُعيب | There are 3 companions named Shu`aib: Shu`aib bin Harb شُعيب بن حَرب Shu`aib bin Zuraiq شعيب بن زريق Shu'aib bin Amr al-Hadhrami شعيب بن عمرو الحضرمي |
Shu`bah also spelled as: Shoubah | Male | Meaning(s) of Shu`bah: Tree branch Branch, group or category | شُعبة | There are 3 companions named Shu`bah: Shu`bah bin al-Taw'am al-Dhubi شعبة بن التوأم الضبي Shu`bah bin Umair al-Tahawi شعبة بن عمير الطهوي Shu`bah bin al-Anbari شعبة العنبري |
Shujaa` also spelled as: Shuja | Male | Meaning(s) of Shujaa`: Brave | شجاع | There are 2 companions named Shujaa`: Shujaa` bin al-Harith al-Sadoosi شجاع بن الحارث السدوسي Shujaa` bin Wahb شجاع بن وهب |
Shujairah | Female | Meaning(s) of Shujairah: A small tree | شجيرة | There is one companion named Shujairah: Shujairah bint Tameem شجيرة بنت تميم |
Shumailah | Female | Meaning(s) of Shumailah: A toga or a similar garment | شميلة | There is one companion named Shumailah: Shumailah bint al-Harith شميلة بنت الحارث |
Shuqairah also spelled as: Shuqayra | Female | Meaning(s) of Shuqairah: Blonde An important matter A type of chameleon | شقيرة | There is one companion named Shuqairah: Shuqairah al-Asadiyyah شقيرة الأسدية |
Shuraaf also spelled as: Shoraf | Female | Meaning(s) of Shuraaf: Balconies Greatness, glory and honor Notes: Plural of sharaf. | شُراف | There is one companion named Shuraaf: Shuraaf bint Khaleefah شراف بنت خليفة |
Shuraih | Male | Meaning(s) of Shuraih: A piece of meat To spread or expand something | شُريح | There are 13 companions named Shuraih: Shuraih bin Abrahah al-Yani`i شريح بن أبرهة اليانعي Shuraih bin Harith bin Qais شريح بن حارث بن قيس Shuraih al-Hadhrami شريح الحضرمي Shuraih bin Abi Shuraih al-Hijazi شريح بن أبي شريح الحجازي Shuraih bin Dhamrah al-Muzani شريح بن ضمرة المزني Shuraih bin Aamir شريح بن عامر Shuraih bin Amr al-Khuza`i شريح بن عمرو الخزاعي Shuraih bin Malik bin Rabee`ah شريح بن مالك بن ربيعة Shuraih bin Murrah شريح بن مرة Shuraih bin Abi Wahb al-Humairi شريح بن أبي وهب الحميري Shuraih bin Haani' شريح بن هانئ Shuraih bin Abi Wahb al-Humairi شريح بن أبي وهب الحميري Shuraih (last name unknown) شريح غير منسوب |
Shurairah | Female | Historic name with unknown meaning. Notes: Possibl the name of a place, with unknown meaning. | شريرة | There is one companion named Shurairah: Shurairah bint al-Harith شريرة بنت الحارث |
Shurfat al-Dar | Female | Meaning(s) of Shurfat al-Dar: High place of the home (shurfat itself means "balcony") | شرفة الدار | There is one companion named Shurfat al-Dar: Shurfat al-Dar bint al-Harith شرفة الدار بنت الحارث |
Shuwaifi` also spelled as: Shuwayfi` | Male | Meaning(s) of Shuwaifi`: Interceder | شويفع | There is one companion named Shuwaifi`: Shuwaifi` (last name unknown) شويفع غير منسوب |