- The following book (Traditional Islamic Baby Names) contains 100% Sahabi names taken from scholarly sources, prepared by the creator of Companions.Hawramani.com (formerly SahabaNames.com). All the books are by the creator of this site.
Sahabiyyah Names for Girls
380 names - page 6
Name Sex Meaning(s) Arabic Spelling Sahabis
Ku`aibah also spelled as: Kuaiba Female Meaning(s) of Ku`aibah:A virgin, or virginhood (the state of being a virgin) كُعبة There is one companion named Ku`aibah:Ku`bah bint Sa`eed كعيبة بنت سعيد
Kubaishah Female Meaning(s) of Kubaishah:A chief or leader كبيشة There are 2 companions named Kubaishah:Kubaishah bint Malik كبيشة بنت مالكKubaishah bint Ma`n كبيشة بنت معن
Kulthum Female Meaning(s) of Kulthum:One who has healthy chubby cheeks كُلثُم There are 2 companions named Kulthum:Kulthum bint Burthun كلثم بنت برثنKulthum grandmother of Abdul Rahman bin Abi Amrah كثلم جدة عبد الرحمن بن أبي عمرة
Lailaa also spelled as: Layla, Leila Female Meaning(s) of Lailaa:The state of being drunk, or the start of itEcstasyIntoxication ليلى There are 17 companions named Lailaa:Lailaa bint al-Itnabah ليلى بنت الإطنابةLailaa bint Thabit ليلى بنت ثابLailaa bint Abi Hathmah ليلى بنت أبي حثمةLailaa bint Hakeem ليلى بنت حكيمLailaa bint al-Khutaim ليلى بنت الخطيمLailaa bint Rib`i ليلى بنت ربعيLailaa bint Ribaab ليلى بنت رِبابLailaa al-Sadoosiyyah ليلى السدوسيةLailaa bint Abi Sufyan ليلى بنت أبي سفيانLailaa bint Simak ليلى بنت سماكLailaa slave of Aa'ishah ليلى مولاة عائشةLailaa bint Ubadah ليلى بنت عبادةLailaa bint Abdullah ليلى بنت عبد اللهLailaa aunt of Abdul Rahman bin Abi Lailaa ليلى عمة عبد الرحمن بن أبي ليلىLailaa al-Ghifariyyah ليلى الغفاريةLailaa bint Qaanif ليلى بنت قانفLailaa bint Naheek ليلى بنت نهيك
Lamees also spelled as: Lamis Female Meaning(s) of Lamees:A woman with soft and smooth skinThe sun لميس There is one companion named Lamees:Lamees bint Amr لميس بنت عمرو
Laseebah Female Historic name with unknown meaning. لسيبة There is one companion named Laseebah:Laseebah bint Ka`b لسيبة بنت كعب
Lubabah also spelled as: Lubaba Female Meaning(s) of Lubabah:Pure لُبَابة There are 3 companions named Lubabah:Lubabah bint al-Harith لبابة بنت الحارثLubabah bint al-Harith لبابة بنت الحارثLubabah bint Abi Lubabah لبابة بنت أبي لبابة
Lubnaa also spelled as: Lubna Female Meaning(s) of Lubnaa:A type of tree common in the Levant (scientific name Styrax officinalis) لبنى There is one companion named Lubnaa:Lubnaa bint al-Khutaim لبنى بنت الخطيم
Luhayyah Female Meaning(s) of Luhayyah:A great gift, present or donation لُهَيَّة There is one companion named Luhayyah:Luhayyah mother of Umar ibn al-Khattab's son لهية أم ولد عمر بن الخطاب
Maimoonah also spelled as: Maymuna Female Meaning(s) of Maimoonah:BlessedFortunate ميمنونة There are 8 companions named Maimoonah:Maimoonah bint al-Harith al-Hilaliyyah ميمونة بنت الحارث الهلاليةMaimoonah slave of the Prophet SAW ميمونة مولاة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلمMaimoonah bint Sa`d ميمونة بنت سعدMaimoonah bint Subaih ميمونة بنت صبيحMaimoonah bint Abdullah ميمونة بنت عبد اللهMaimoonah bint Abi Anbasah ميمونة بنت أبي عنبسةMaimoonah bint Kardam ميمونة بنت كردمMaimoonah (last name unknown) ميمونة غير منسوبة
Mandoos also spelled as: Mandus Unisex Meaning(s) of Mandoos:A type of plant known as burdock in English مندوس There are 4 companions named Mandoos:Mandoos (last name unknown) مندوس غير منسوبMandoos bint Khallad مندوس بنت خلادMandoos bint Ubadah مندوس بنت عبادةMandoos bint Amr مندوس بنت عمرو
Manee`ah Female Meaning(s) of Manee`ah:ProtectorDefender منيعة There is one companion named Manee`ah:Manee`ah (last name unknown) منيعة غير منسوبة
Mariyah also spelled as: Mariah Female Meaning(s) of Mariyah:Drop of the seaNotes:Probably a form of Mary. مارية There are 2 companions named Mariyah:Mariyah al-Qibtiyyah مارية القبطيةMariyah slave of Hujair مارية مولاة حجير
Maryam also spelled as: Mariam Female Meaning(s) of Maryam:Drop of the seaBitterNotes:Arabic form of Mary. مريم There are 2 companions named Maryam:Maryam bint Iyas مريم بنت إياسMaryam al-Maghaliyyah مريم المغالية
Marziyyah also spelled as: Marzia Female Meaning(s) of Marziyyah:Pleasing to GodContent مرضية There is one companion named Marziyyah:Marziyyah (last name unknown) مرضية غير منسوب
Masarrah also spelled as: Masarra Female Meaning(s) of Masarrah:Happiness, cheerfulness, joy and relaxation مسرّة There is one companion named Masarrah:Masarrah (last name unknown) مسرة غير منسوبة
Mihjanah Female Meaning(s) of Mihjanah:A walking stick with a crooked end مِحْجَنَة There is one companion named Mihjanah:Mihjanah Sawdaa' محجنة سوداء
Mu`azah also spelled as: Muaazah, Mu`adhah Female Meaning(s) of Mu`azah:ProtectedGuarded معاذة There are 3 companions named Mu`azah:Mu`azah wife of al-A`shaa معاذة زوج الأعشىMu`adhah slave of Abdullah bin Abi Ibn Salool معاذة جارية عبد الله بن أبي سلولMu`adhah al-Ghifariyyah معاذة الغفارية
Muhayyaat also spelled as: Muhayat Female Meaning(s) of Muhayyaat:A greeting مُحَيَّاة There is one companion named Muhayyaat:Muhayyaat bint Khalid bin Sinan محياة بنت خالد بن سنان
Muhibbah also spelled as: Muhibba Female Meaning(s) of Muhibbah:Loving مُحِبّة There is one companion named Muhibbah:Muhibbah bint al-Rabee` محبة بنت الربيع
380 names - page 6
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Ku`aibah also spelled as: Kuaiba | Female | Meaning(s) of Ku`aibah: A virgin, or virginhood (the state of being a virgin) | كُعبة | There is one companion named Ku`aibah: Ku`bah bint Sa`eed كعيبة بنت سعيد |
Kubaishah | Female | Meaning(s) of Kubaishah: A chief or leader | كبيشة | There are 2 companions named Kubaishah: Kubaishah bint Malik كبيشة بنت مالك Kubaishah bint Ma`n كبيشة بنت معن |
Kulthum | Female | Meaning(s) of Kulthum: One who has healthy chubby cheeks | كُلثُم | There are 2 companions named Kulthum: Kulthum bint Burthun كلثم بنت برثن Kulthum grandmother of Abdul Rahman bin Abi Amrah كثلم جدة عبد الرحمن بن أبي عمرة |
Lailaa also spelled as: Layla, Leila | Female | Meaning(s) of Lailaa: The state of being drunk, or the start of it Ecstasy Intoxication | ليلى | There are 17 companions named Lailaa: Lailaa bint al-Itnabah ليلى بنت الإطنابة Lailaa bint Thabit ليلى بنت ثاب Lailaa bint Abi Hathmah ليلى بنت أبي حثمة Lailaa bint Hakeem ليلى بنت حكيم Lailaa bint al-Khutaim ليلى بنت الخطيم Lailaa bint Rib`i ليلى بنت ربعي Lailaa bint Ribaab ليلى بنت رِباب Lailaa al-Sadoosiyyah ليلى السدوسية Lailaa bint Abi Sufyan ليلى بنت أبي سفيان Lailaa bint Simak ليلى بنت سماك Lailaa slave of Aa'ishah ليلى مولاة عائشة Lailaa bint Ubadah ليلى بنت عبادة Lailaa bint Abdullah ليلى بنت عبد الله Lailaa aunt of Abdul Rahman bin Abi Lailaa ليلى عمة عبد الرحمن بن أبي ليلى Lailaa al-Ghifariyyah ليلى الغفارية Lailaa bint Qaanif ليلى بنت قانف Lailaa bint Naheek ليلى بنت نهيك |
Lamees also spelled as: Lamis | Female | Meaning(s) of Lamees: A woman with soft and smooth skin The sun | لميس | There is one companion named Lamees: Lamees bint Amr لميس بنت عمرو |
Laseebah | Female | Historic name with unknown meaning. | لسيبة | There is one companion named Laseebah: Laseebah bint Ka`b لسيبة بنت كعب |
Lubabah also spelled as: Lubaba | Female | Meaning(s) of Lubabah: Pure | لُبَابة | There are 3 companions named Lubabah: Lubabah bint al-Harith لبابة بنت الحارث Lubabah bint al-Harith لبابة بنت الحارث Lubabah bint Abi Lubabah لبابة بنت أبي لبابة |
Lubnaa also spelled as: Lubna | Female | Meaning(s) of Lubnaa: A type of tree common in the Levant (scientific name Styrax officinalis) | لبنى | There is one companion named Lubnaa: Lubnaa bint al-Khutaim لبنى بنت الخطيم |
Luhayyah | Female | Meaning(s) of Luhayyah: A great gift, present or donation | لُهَيَّة | There is one companion named Luhayyah: Luhayyah mother of Umar ibn al-Khattab's son لهية أم ولد عمر بن الخطاب |
Maimoonah also spelled as: Maymuna | Female | Meaning(s) of Maimoonah: Blessed Fortunate | ميمنونة | There are 8 companions named Maimoonah: Maimoonah bint al-Harith al-Hilaliyyah ميمونة بنت الحارث الهلالية Maimoonah slave of the Prophet SAW ميمونة مولاة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم Maimoonah bint Sa`d ميمونة بنت سعد Maimoonah bint Subaih ميمونة بنت صبيح Maimoonah bint Abdullah ميمونة بنت عبد الله Maimoonah bint Abi Anbasah ميمونة بنت أبي عنبسة Maimoonah bint Kardam ميمونة بنت كردم Maimoonah (last name unknown) ميمونة غير منسوبة |
Mandoos also spelled as: Mandus | Unisex | Meaning(s) of Mandoos: A type of plant known as burdock in English | مندوس | There are 4 companions named Mandoos: Mandoos (last name unknown) مندوس غير منسوب Mandoos bint Khallad مندوس بنت خلاد Mandoos bint Ubadah مندوس بنت عبادة Mandoos bint Amr مندوس بنت عمرو |
Manee`ah | Female | Meaning(s) of Manee`ah: Protector Defender | منيعة | There is one companion named Manee`ah: Manee`ah (last name unknown) منيعة غير منسوبة |
Mariyah also spelled as: Mariah | Female | Meaning(s) of Mariyah: Drop of the sea Notes: Probably a form of Mary. | مارية | There are 2 companions named Mariyah: Mariyah al-Qibtiyyah مارية القبطية Mariyah slave of Hujair مارية مولاة حجير |
Maryam also spelled as: Mariam | Female | Meaning(s) of Maryam: Drop of the sea Bitter Notes: Arabic form of Mary. | مريم | There are 2 companions named Maryam: Maryam bint Iyas مريم بنت إياس Maryam al-Maghaliyyah مريم المغالية |
Marziyyah also spelled as: Marzia | Female | Meaning(s) of Marziyyah: Pleasing to God Content | مرضية | There is one companion named Marziyyah: Marziyyah (last name unknown) مرضية غير منسوب |
Masarrah also spelled as: Masarra | Female | Meaning(s) of Masarrah: Happiness, cheerfulness, joy and relaxation | مسرّة | There is one companion named Masarrah: Masarrah (last name unknown) مسرة غير منسوبة |
Mihjanah | Female | Meaning(s) of Mihjanah: A walking stick with a crooked end | مِحْجَنَة | There is one companion named Mihjanah: Mihjanah Sawdaa' محجنة سوداء |
Mu`azah also spelled as: Muaazah, Mu`adhah | Female | Meaning(s) of Mu`azah: Protected Guarded | معاذة | There are 3 companions named Mu`azah: Mu`azah wife of al-A`shaa معاذة زوج الأعشى Mu`adhah slave of Abdullah bin Abi Ibn Salool معاذة جارية عبد الله بن أبي سلول Mu`adhah al-Ghifariyyah معاذة الغفارية |
Muhayyaat also spelled as: Muhayat | Female | Meaning(s) of Muhayyaat: A greeting | مُحَيَّاة | There is one companion named Muhayyaat: Muhayyaat bint Khalid bin Sinan محياة بنت خالد بن سنان |
Muhibbah also spelled as: Muhibba | Female | Meaning(s) of Muhibbah: Loving | مُحِبّة | There is one companion named Muhibbah: Muhibbah bint al-Rabee` محبة بنت الربيع |