Meaning and details of the Sahabi name: Yusairah
Name | Sex | Meaning(s) | Arabic Spelling | Sahabis |
Yusairah | Female | Meaning(s) of Yusairah: Ease and lack of hardship Affluence | يُسيرة | There are 2 companions named Yusairah: Yusairah bint Mulail يسيرة بنت مليل Yusairah Umm Yaasir يسيرة أم ياسر |
Comments: 13
it also means peace and rich kid
What is the proper way of pronouncing it
What the pronunciation plz?
Yusairah meaning is aasani paida karne wala ya AASANI is the exact meaning of yusairah
is it yusayrah or yusariah
My name is Yusairah and it’s pronounced U-Sigh-Raw
Pronounced you say ra
Means with ease or lack of hardship
My name is yusairah
It’s prounciation is u.say.rah
Some people say it as u. Sah. Ra
Which story Yusairah sahabiyah?
Is there a story about the sahaabi Yusairah
Is there any story about sahabi yusairah
does it have a beautiful meaning